Step render-table-by {}

Defined in:

Input Ports

Port Description
source primary

The input document must be valid HTML (namespace "") or DTBook (""). The 'display', 'render-table-by', 'table-header-policy' and 'flow' properties of elements in the input must be declared in css:display, css:render-table-by, css:table-header-policy and css:flow attributes. Style attributes must be simple declaration lists, except for the table element which may also have '::table-by()', '::list-item' and '::list-header' pseudo-elements. Properties with value 'inherit' are not allowed.

Output Ports

Port Description
result primary

Each table element with a 'display' property not equal to 'table' and with a 'render-table-by' property is rendered according to the axes specified in the 'render-table-by' property. The td and th elements are rearranged and put in a new tree structure consisting of css:table-by, css:list-item and css:list-header elements. tr, tbody, thead and tfoot elements are dropped. When a table header element is duplicated, descendent css:id attributes are excluded, as are elements that are not part of the normal flow. The style attributes of the css:table-by, css:list-item and css:list-header elements are determined by the '::table-by()', '::list-item' and '::list-header' pseudo-elements declared on the table element. Style attributes of th and td elements in the output are transformed (or added) in such a way that the computed style in the output equals the computed style of the element in the input. Similarly, xml:lang attributes are added to th and td elements.