Step epub3-label-pagebreaks-from-nav {}

Identify page break elements based on the "page-list" navigation and label them with epub:type="pagebreak", and return the page list as a d:fileset.

Defined in:

Input Ports

Port Description
source.fileset primary sequence

Input EPUB 3 fileset

The navigation document, if present, should be marked with role="nav".

Output Ports

Port Description
result.fileset primary sequence

Output EPUB 3 fileset

The output manifest is identical to the input manifest. Content documents are modified so that elements referenced by the "page-list" navigation are labeled with epub:type="pagebreak". A aria-label attribute is added if missing.

page-list sequence

The "page-list" navigation converted into the d:fileset format, with every page reference represented by a d:anchor element.

Empty sequence if there is no "page-list" navigation in the EPUB.