Step epub3-add-metadata {}

Inject new metadata into a EPUB package document.

Defined in:

Input Ports

Port Description
source.fileset primary sequence

The source fileset

Must include the package document.

metadata sequence

A set of opf:metadata or opf:package documents. In case of the former, a prefix attribute is allowed on the root element. refines attributes must reference an element within the document itself.

Output Ports

Port Description
result.fileset primary sequence

The result fileset

A copy of the source fileset with the updated package document with the existing and new metadata merged. When the same metadata (the same property) exists in multiple input metadata documents, the first occurences win.


Local Name Namespace URI Default Description
compatibility-mode 'true'

Whether to be backward compatible with Open Package Format 2.0.1.

reserved-prefixes '#default'

The reserved prefix mappings of the resulting package document. By default, prefixes that are used but not declared in the input are also not declared in the output.

log-conflicts 'true'