Step isolate-skippable {}

Break up sentences into sub-sentences that do not contain skippable elements.

Defined in:

Input Ports

Port Description
source primary

The input document


List of sentences as a d:sentences document with a d:sentence child for each sentence. The d:sentence elements point to the respective DTBook elements with an id attribute.

Output Ports

Port Description
result primary

The result document.

For every sentence element that contains one or more skippable elements, that is pagenum, noteref, annoref, linenum or math,

  • the skippable elements do not share any ancestors with other nodes in the sentence (nodes that are not themselves ancestors of the skippables), and
  • the sentence element has no (non-whitespace-only) child text nodes.

The reading order is preserved, and apart from elements that are broken up and wrapper span elements that are inserted, the structure of the DTBook is preserved.

Wrapper span elements


List of skippable elements as a d:skippables document with a d:skippable child for each skippable element. The d:skippable elements point to the respective DTBook elements with an id attribute.


Local Name Namespace URI Default Description
match required