Step daisy202-audio-transcode {}

Transcode audio files in DAISY 2.02 publication.

Defined in:

Input Ports

Port Description
source.fileset primary sequence

Input DAISY 2.02 fileset.

Output Ports

Port Description
result.fileset primary sequence

Copy of the input fileset with all the not officially unsupported audio files replaced by transcoded versions of those files. NCC and SMIL files are updated accordingly.


Local Name Namespace URI Default Description
new-audio-file-type required

The desired file type of the transcoded audio files, specified as a MIME type.

new-audio-dir ''

URI of the folder within the output fileset that should contain the transcoded audio files.

If not specified or empty, will use the deepest common directory that contains all the matched files.

The actual files will be stored in a temporary location.

temp-dir ''

If not empty, this directory will be used to store audio files. The directory must not exist yet.