<p:library xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc" xmlns:px="http://www.daisy.org/ns/pipeline/xproc" version="1.0"> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns a <code><c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the target. The step fails if the file represented by <code>href</code> does not exist or if it cannot be copied to the specified target.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:copy"> <p:output port="result" primary="false"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> <p:option name="target" required="true"/> <p:option name="fail-on-error" select="'true'"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns a <code><c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the deleted file. The step fails if the file does not exist or if it cannot be deleted.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:delete"> <p:output port="result" primary="false"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns a <code><c:directory></code>, <code><c:file></code>, or <code><c:other></code> (implementations may also return more specific types, e.g., <code><c:fifo></code> or <code><c:dev></code>). If the document doesn't exist, an empty sequence is returned. The document element of the result, if there is one, will have <code>readable</code>, <code>writable</code>, <code>hidden</code>, <code>last-modified</code>, and <code>size</code> attributes. The <code>readable</code>, <code>writable</code> and <code>hidden</code> attributes are boolean and are only present if they are true. The <code>last-modified</code> attribute returns the last-modified time in UTC. The <code>size</code> attribute returns the size of the file; it is absent for directories and other types that have no meaningful size.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:info"> <p:output port="result" sequence="true"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns the first count lines of the file named in <code>href</code>. If <code>count</code> is negative, the step returns all except those first lines. The step returns a <code>c:result</code> element containing one <code>c:line</code> for each line. Lines are identified as described in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-line-ends">XML 1.0, 2.11 End-of-Line Handling</a>. If an error occurs, the step fails if <code>fail-on-error</code> is true; otherwise, the step returns a <code>c:error</code> element which may contain additional, implementation-defined information about the nature of the error.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:head"> <p:output port="result"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> <p:option name="count" required="true"/> <p:option name="fail-on-error" select="'true'"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Creates a directory with the name spacified in the "href" option. If the name includes more than one directory component, all of the intermediate components are created. The path separator is implementation-defined. Returns a <code><c:result></code> containing the absolute filename of the directory created. The step fails if the directory cannot be created.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:mkdir"> <p:output port="result" primary="false"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns a <code><c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the target. The step fails if the file represented by the <code>href</code> does not exist or if it cannot be copied to the specified target; the source file is deleted if the copy succeeds.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:move"> <p:output port="result" primary="false"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> <p:option name="target" required="true"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns the last <code>count</code> lines of the file named in <code>href</code>. If <code>count</code> is negative, the step returns all except those last lines. The step returns a <code>c:result</code> element containing one <code>c:line</code> for each line. Lines are identified as described in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-line-ends">XML 1.0, 2.11 End-of-Line Handling</a>. If an error occurs, the step fails if <code>fail-on-error</code> is true; otherwise, the step returns a <code>c:error</code> element which may contain additional, implementation-defined information about the nature of the error.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:tail"> <p:output port="result"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> <p:option name="count" required="true"/> <p:option name="fail-on-error" select="'true'"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns a <code><c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of a temporary file. The temporary file is guaranteed not to already exist when <code>px:tempfile</code> is called. The file is created in the directory specified by the <code>href</code>. The step fails if this directory does not exist. If <code>href</code> is not specified then the system-dependent default temporary-file directory will be used.</p> <p>If the <code>delete-on-exit</code> option (a boolean) is true, then the temporary file will automatically be deleted when the processor terminates.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:tempfile"> <p:output port="result" primary="false"/> <p:option name="href" required="false"/> <p:option name="delete-on-exit"/> <p:option name="suffix"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Returns a <code><c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the touched file. The step fails if the file does not exist and cannot be created.</p> </p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:touch"> <p:output port="result" primary="false"/> <p:option name="href" required="true"/> </p:declare-step> <p:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">TODO</p:documentation> <p:declare-step type="px:cwd"> <p:output port="result" sequence="true"/> </p:declare-step> </p:library>