This document defines CSS styling conventions for the eBraille format.
The eBraille Working Group is seeking input on all aspects of this document. It is particularly
interested in implementation experience both creating eBraille publication and creating reading systems
in which to read them.
Any suggestions for formatting requirements that have not been covered in this best practices
document yet, are welcomed. In particular, there are a number of specific formatting
requirements for which examples are sought, and are indicated within this document as
“issues”. Please follow the respective Github issue link and comment if you plan to provide an
example, or create a new Github
issue if you have another suggestion.
A suitable example consists of a short snippet of a content document, marked up according to
the eBraille Tagging Best Practices, along with the
expected formatted braille (for a certain row length), as rows of Unicode braille. It is
valued if a short description in words (in English) of the braille formatting rule is included
The eBraille format incorporates CSS to provide its styling and layout
capabilities. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) defines
the requirements and restrictions regarding the use of CSS within eBraille. Basically,
with a few exceptions, eBraille creators
have the whole spectrum of CSS features at their disposal. Yet, limitations exist in the
braille that reading devices can output. In order to ensure a successful and consistent
rendering on many devices, some guidelines are called for. This is what this document aims
to do: to define CSS styling conventions for rendering braille content. The goal is to
teach by example a number of techniques that can be applied to a wide range of specfic
layout requirements. Providing a collection of regional CSS rules is outside the scope of
this document.
eBraille styling
The examples in this section assume
that eBraille reading systems do not
use the same default style sheets that web browsers do. To try these examples in a
browser, make sure the following style sheet is applied and the same monospaced font
and font size is used for all text:
Through media queries, styles may be
applied conditionally depending on the type and characteristics of the
device. For instance:
A certain way of rendering tables requires a viewport with a minimal
It may also depend on whether the device supports horizontal scrolling or
On a braille display with fewer than a certain number of rows, it may be
desired to omit blank lines.
A device that breaks up the content into discrete pages allows for different
styling than a device that lets the user scroll through the content.
A document may need a different layout when printed on paper.
The following example shows how style sheets for different media may be linked
from a XHTML content document using the
[[html]] link element. As per
the recommendation, no media queries that discriminate between a braille display and
a screen are used.
The following example shows how the number of columns in a column layout may be
adapted according to the width of the viewport, using
the @media rule
[[css-conditional]] and width
media feature [[mediaqueries]]:
The following examples show how
the margin-top
and margin-bottom
properties [[css-box]] may be used to create blank lines between blocks of text,
and how margin-left
and margin-right may be
used to offset blocks of text from the left and right page boundaries.
A property of vertical margins is that they
“collapse” with adjoining
margins, meaning that they combine to form a single margin with a width that is
the maximum of the collapsing margins' widths. This feature is useful to ensure
that you don't get two blank lines because two adjacent elements both required a
blank line in the same location.
The following examples show how the
margin-left [[css-box]] and
text-indent [[css-text]]
properties may be used to mark the start of paragraphs with an indent of two cells, or to
mark the start of list items with a “hanging” indent.
When the indentation required for overrun lines depends on the maximum hierarchy
level of the entire list,
the :has() pseudo-class
[[selectors]] may be used:
Alignment, positioning and spatial arrangement
The following example shows how
the text-align
property [[css-text]] may be used to horizontally align text within a block.
The following example shows how content may be spatially arranged using the flexible box
layout model [[css-flexbox]].
flex-grow is used to align
horizontally. align-self
is used to align content
vertically. flex-shrink
is used to ensure text in the right column doesn't wrap.
The flexbox model focuses on space distribution within a single axis. While it
is capable of handling semi-two-dimensional layouts such as a two-column table of contents, true two-dimentional
layouts require more specialized CSS models.
Using the [[html]] table markup for
tabular data, as is recommended by [[tagging]], unlocks the features provided by the CSS table model. The following example shows how the data cells
of a simple table can be layed out on a two-axis grid.
Text spacing
The following example shows how
the line-height
property may be used to achieve “double line spacing”, a layout with blank rows
between rows of braille, which helps with tracking for those who are not as
experienced or have difficulty feeling the braille.
White space handling
By default, certain white space characters in HTML code, such as tabs (U+0009), newlines, and multiple consecutive spaces (U+0020), are interpreted as not relevant to the final
rendering, because white space is often used to format (line wrap and indent) the source
code. However sometimes white space characters are relevant to the rendering of the document,
in which case the author must indicate that they must be preserved. This is done using the white-space property.
The following example of a number line illustrates this. The white space characters must be
preserved because they are essential for the correct formatting of the number line. Note how,
by “pre-formatting” (or hard-coding) the number line, it is not able to adapt to
varying device widths.
Another use case for the pre element is spatially arranged math. In theory
the techniques from Alignment, positioning and spatial
arrangement could be applied for this particular case, but that may not be the case
for every mathematical expression, and pre-formatting content may be more practical
Wrapping and breaking text
Sometimes it is necessary to break long words across rows, to save space, or
simply because a word is too long to fit within one row. The section
on Text Splitting in [[tagging]]
explains how this can be achieved using the Unicode character U+00AD (SOFT
HYPHEN) and the
[[html]] wbr element.
The following example shows how one can specify the symbol or string that must
appear before the break of a word, using
the hyphenate-character.
The following example shows how
the text-wrap-style
property [[css-text-4]] property may be used to balance the remaining space on
each row when text spans multiple rows.
Page breaking
Whether the user agent is an embosser or an electronic reading system, it may
break up content into discrete pages. For such cases, CSS allows you to express
where the user agent may or must break pages, whether subsequent content must
resume on a left- or right-hand page, etc.
Remember that media queries allow you to test
whether the target medium is paged or continuous, using
the overflow-block
media feature [[mediaqueries]].
In the next example, content following the frontmatter is forced to resume on a
new page, using
break-after: page
When a page break must not occur within an element (unless there's no other way),
you use break-inside:
avoid-page [[css-break]]:
Indicating that an element must not be separated from content following or
preceding it, if possible, is done
with break-after:
and break-before:
avoid-page [[css-break]], respectively.
Borders and lines
Different approaches to creating lines exist. The recommended approach for border
lines is to use border
images. For horizontal lines, a (sometimes necessary) alternative is to
specify the line as a string of braille characters. Finally, for good measure,
the most commonly used approach to creating borders in print, namely
the border-style
property, is mentioned as an option for braille too.
Border images
As explained below in Drawing borders with the
‘border-style’ property,
the border-style
and border-width
properties may be used to draw lines with a certain thickness and
pattern. For screen/print CSS, this is the most common method. However, for
braille, ultimately it is
the eBraille reading system
that approximates the lines with a series of raised braille dots. More
control over the exact braille dot patterns used to make up the lines can be
achieved through
border images
[[css-backgrounds]]. This is the recommended approach.
The desired border is obtained by choosing a source image that has specific
braille cells at specific positions. The
“A standard box” example below shows a
box consisting of dot 5 cells on all sides. The corresponding source image
is made up of nine (three by three) equally sized areas, all except the middle
one holding a dot 5 cell. Each of the eight areas holds the pattern to be used
for the corresponding corner or side of the border.
Border image for a border of dot 5 cells
The next example builds onto the “Simple spatial table” example by
adding horizontal lines separating the headers of the table from the body. What
is special about the lines in this example is that they start with a single dot
5 cell before going into a dot 25 pattern. The first cell is represented by the
bottom left corner of the border image, the rest by the bottom center side. An
empty ::before pseudo-element is used to shift the content one
character to the left, so that it aligns with the outer left side of the
Specifying lines as braille characters
Another way to create (horizontal) lines is by specifying them as strings of Unicode
braille characters. Since the braille characters should not be part of the content,
but should rather be generated by the style sheet, the lines must be specified as the
content [[css-content]]
of ::before or
::after pseudo-elements [[css-pseudo]]. To make the layout adapt to
varying device widths, the line pattern is extended long enough to always overflow the
viewport. The overflow
[[css-overflow]] and
white-space [[css-text]]
properties are used to hide the overflowing part of the line, while the
property [[css-flexbox]] is used to align it to the right or left.
This approach is suitable for horitontal lines only. For vertical lines, one
must resort to border images. On the other hand, the border image approach is
less suitable for use cases where the line goes together with other other content on
the same row. This is illustrated in the following examples.
The following examples show how the same technique may be used to create a line
of guide dots preceding a print page number.
Guide dots may also be used within a table layout, as the following examples show.
The following examples show how
the border-style
and border-width
properties [[css-backgrounds]] may be used to create box
lines. margin
and padding are used
to control the spacing between the box lines, the text within the box, and the
surrounding text.
Generally this approach is more complicated than the “border-image”
approach. This is why the latter is recommended.
Alternate table formats
This section focuses on tabular (i.e. two-dimensional) data that is marked up
using the [[html]] table
element. Depending on the type of information and the size, tabular data may
best be represented two-dimensionally (“spatially”), or
one-dimensionally. Two-dimensional layout of tables is covered in Alignment, positioning and spatial arrangement. Methods
for one-dimensional representation of tables are discussed below. This section
also deals with special handling of table headers and footers.
A first way of presenting tables one-dimensionally is by “linearizing” them. The
linear table format is a flat list, where each list item represents one table row,
with all the cells (columns) of that row joined with separators in between. How this
can be accomplished with CSS is illustrated in the following example:
For formatting tables as nested lists —with outer list items representing table
rows and inner list items representing table cells— refer to the next
example. Notice how the increasing indentation of the inner list items
makes this a kind of two-dimensional format, albeit very different from a
true two-dimensional one.
Floating content
A float is an element that is shifted to the
left or right side of the line, allowing surrounding content to flow around it. The next
example demonstrates the principle. Line numbers are taken out of the normal flow and are
floated to the right side.