Step assert {}

Example usage:

            <px:assert message="All d:file elements must have a media-type attribute. $1 and $2 more d:file elements is missing their media-type attribute." severity="ERROR" error-code="pxe:PEOU0002">
               <p:with-param name="param1" select="(/d:fileset/d:file[not(@media-type)])[1]/@href"/>
               <p:with-param name="param2" select="count(/d:fileset/d:file[not(@media-type)])-1"/>
Defined in:

Input Ports

Port Description
source primary sequence

Output Ports

Port Description
result primary sequence


Local Name Namespace URI Default Description
test ''
test-count-min ''
test-count-max ''
message required
param1 ''
param2 ''
param3 ''
param4 ''
param5 ''
param6 ''
param7 ''
param8 ''
param9 ''