SaveAsDAISY is available for Windows only. We provide an unified installer that detects standard installations of Microsoft Office. If Office is not found by the installer (like preinstalled or windows store versions of MS Office), it will request which architecture (32bits or 64bits) you want the addin to be installed for.

Latest version: 2.7.2 beta (released on September, 2022)

Report issues

If you have an issue with the installers or with the add-in, please contact the development team by mail to

Any constructive feedbacks are also welcome to help us improve the add-in :)

Feedbacks / Known issues

The accessibility ribbon does not appear after successfull installation

Addin is reported unloaded due to an error

The addin assumes you have a recent version of .NET Framework (4+) available on your system. You can check if you have the required .NET Framework by checking if folders “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319” and/or “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319” exists.

It is also possible that the wrong bit-version of the addin is installed : this might have been the case if your office version has been installed through Microsoft Store, which makes office undetectable from our install process, and you selected the wrong bit-version. If this is the case, please check your office bit-version in Word in the “Account” page by opening “About Word” dialog. The bit-version is displayed at the end of the first line of the dialog.

Lastly, it has been reported for other addin that this can occured if you run word on an account with administrator privileges with UAC deactivated. In this case, you need to do the following actions :

Addin is deactived after installation

A user reported the addin to be deactivated after installation : In Word, under the File / Options / Add-ins category, Save As Daisy appeared under the Inactive applications section.

This issue is being investigated, but the following action has been tested and reported working by the user encountering this issue.

The add-in should start repairing himself before reopening the word document.


2.8.0 beta (July 2023)

(This version is under test phase and is not released yet)

This major release marks a change in the underlying conversion process to dtbook XML and packaged format, as DAISY Pipeline 1 is completely replaced by DAISY Pipeline 2. The following features that are either reported unused or that are available through standard Microsoft Word actions are removed from the addin :

Various fixes and changes are included in the release :

2.7.2 beta (September 2022)

This minor release adds the following changes to the addin :

2.7 beta (January 2022)

This major release starts the transition to the DAISY pipeline 2 as conversion engine. We now include the export to Epub3 (from a single docx file) as experimental functionnality under the SaveAsDAISY menu.

Fixes and updates :

2.6.1 beta - update 3 (September 2021)

Minor behaviour updates including :

The code base is under a heavy rewrite process to optimize it and prepare the switch to pipeline 2 process, allowing to provide more outputed format and better support.

2.6.1 beta - Minor update 2 (January 28, 2021)

Minor update including

2.6.1 beta - Minor update 1 (January 14, 2021)

Minor update including


2.6.1 beta (December 18, 2020)

Installer update

