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Configuration Files

User properties

All of the properties below (including the TTS properties) can be set either in the pipeline.properties file or through environment variables. For example, the org.daisy.pipeline.ws.host property can be set with the environment variable PIPELINE2_WS_HOST. The environment variable settings will have precedence over settings in the pipeline.properties file.

Maximum allowed number of jobs running simultaneously
Allowed values: A positive number
Required: No
Default: “2”
Host address for the web service
Allowed values: A host address
Required: No
Default: “localhost”
Port number for the web service
Allowed values: Any available port, from 0 to 65535
Required: No
Default: “8181”
Path for the web service
Allowed values: Any URI path fragment
Required: No
Default: “/ws”
Whether to allow local filesystem interaction when the client is running on the same machine as the server
Allowed values: “true” or “false”
Required: No
Default: “false”
May be overwritten by the local (“true”) and remote (“false”) arguments
Whether the web service requires authentication
Allowed values: “true” or “false”
Required: No
Default: “false”
May be overwritten by the local (“false”) and remote (“true”) arguments
Initial admin’s authentication ID
Allowed values: A non-empty string
Required: Yes, if org.daisy.pipeline.ws.authentication is set
Initial admin’s authentication secret
Allowed values: A non-empty string
Required: Yes, if org.daisy.pipeline.ws.authentication is set
Whether to permit cross-origin requests from browsers (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
Allowed values: “true” or “false”
Required: No
Default: “false”
Maximum amount of time (in ms) that a web service request is considered valid
Allowed values: A positive long number
Required: No
Default: “600000” (10 minutes)
Path to a writable temporary directory
Allowed values: Local directory path
Required: No
Default: “${java.io.tmpdir}” or “/tmp”
Disable job messages below this level
Default: “INFO”
URL of the update service
Required: No
Default: “http://daisy.github.io/pipeline-assembly/releases/”
Whether to use the Liblouis library present on the system instead of the embedded version
Allowed values: “true” or “false”
Required: No
Default: “false”

TTS configuration

A number of properties are specific to text-to-speech. These properties are documented here.


With the file config-logback.xml you can control most of the logging: to which files log messages are written, log rolling, the level of details that are logged, which log messages show up in the user interface, etc. See Logback configuration for help on the format.