Liblouis based braille transcription

Liblouis based translators can be selected using a query that contains (translator:liblouis)(table:...) or (liblouis-table:...). Recognized features are:

Will only match if the value is “liblouis”.
A Liblouis table is a list of URIs that can be either a file name, a file path relative to a registered table path, an absolute file URI, or a fully qualified table identifier. The table path that contains the first “sub-table” in the list will be used as the base for resolving the subsequent sub-tables. The default Liblouis tables are available under the path See also this overview of tables available in Liblouis.
The primary target language of the Liblouis translator. Must be a RFC 5646 language tag. By default the document locale is used. In that case an automatic fallback mechanism is used: if nothing is found for language-COUNTRY-variant, then language-COUNTRY is searched, then language. If the document locale is of the form language-COUNTRY, only the language subtag is used.
The region or community in which the braille code applies. Must be a RFC 5646 language tag. By default the document locale is used if it is of the form language-COUNTRY. (The same automatic fallback mechanism as described above is used.)
Shorthand for language and region.
The fixed dot pattern to insert for unknown characters. Must be a Unicode braille string.

The remaining features are used for selecting a specific table using Liblouis’ lou_findTable function. Available features are:

These are described in more detail here.