 * Definition lists

 * @var boolean $group-dt-dd
 * @brief Group dt and dd elements
 * Set this variable to group `dt` and `dd` elements, wrapping them
 * inside `li` elements, so that every group starts with a `dt` and
 * ends with a `dd` and does not contain a `dd` followed by a
 * `dt`.
$group-dt-dd: false !default;

 * @var string $dt-suffix
 * @brief Separator between dt and dd elements
 * If grouping of `dt` and `dd` elements is enabled, this variable
 * determines the text that is inserted in between a `dt` and a `dd`
 * element. In order to make `dt` and `dd` block-level elements, set
 * this variable to to `null`.
$dt-suffix: ": " !default;

 * @var string $dt-separator
 * @brief Separator between dt elements
 * If grouping of `dt` and `dd` elements is enabled, this variable
 * determines the text that is inserted in between two `dt`
 * elements.
$dt-separator: " " !default;

@if $group-dt-dd {
    @xslt "definition-lists.xsl";

@if $dt-suffix {
        dt, dd {
                display: inline;
        dt:has(+ dd)::after {
                content: $dt-suffix;
        dt:has(+ dt)::after {
                content: $dt-separator;