/* ========================================================
 * Collection of styles that used to be included by default
 * ======================================================== */

 * @var boolean $capital-letters
 * @brief Indicate capital letters
 * When enabled, will indicate capital letters.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$capital-letters` is the value of this
 * option):
 * ~~~sass
 * @if $capital-letters != true {
 *   :root {
 *     text-transform: lowercase;
 *   }
 * }
 * ~~~
$capital-letters: true !default;

@if $capital-letters != true {
        :root {
                text-transform: lowercase;

 * @var boolean $include-captions
 * @brief Include captions
 * When enabled, will include captions for images, tables, and so on.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$include-captions` is the value of this
 * option):
 * ~~~sass
 * caption {
 *   display: if($include-captions, block, none);
 * }
 * ~~~
$include-captions: true !default;

caption {
        display: if($include-captions, block, none);

 * @var boolean $include-images
 * @brief Include images
 * When enabled, will include the alt text of the images. When disabled, the images will be completely removed.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$include-images` is the value of this option):
 * ~~~sass
 * @if $include-images {
 *   img::after {
 *     content: attr(alt);
 *   }
 * }
 * ~~~
$include-images: true !default;

@if $include-images {
        img::after {
                content: attr(alt);

 * @var boolean $include-line-groups
 * @brief Include line groups
 * When disabled, lines in a linegroup are joined together to form one block.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$include-line-groups` is the value of this
 * option):
 * ~~~sass
 * linegroup line {
 *   display: if($include-line-groups, block, inline);
 * }
 * ~~~
$include-line-groups: true !default;

linegroup line {
        display: if($include-line-groups, block, inline);

 * @var boolean $include-production-notes
 * @brief Include production notes
 * When enabled, production notes are included in the content.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$include-production-notes` is the value of
 * this option):
 * ~~~sass
 * prodnote {
 *   display: if($include-production-notes, block, none);
 * }
 * ~~~
$include-production-notes: false !default;

prodnote {
        display: if($include-production-notes, block, none);

 * @var boolean $show-print-page-numbers
 * @brief Show print page numbers
 * When enabled, will indicate original page numbers.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$show-print-page-numbers` is the value of
 * this option):
 * ~~~sass
 * @if $show-print-page-numbers {
 *   pagenum {
 *     string-set: print-page content();
 *   }
 * }
 * ~~~
 * In order to use the `print-page` string include a rule like the following in your custom style
 * sheet:
 * ~~~css
 * @page {
 *   @bottom-right {
 *     content: string(print-page);
 *   }
 * }
 * ~~~
 * See the CSS specification for more info:
 * - the [`string-set`](http://braillespecs.github.io/braille-css/#h4_the-string-set-property) property
 * - the [`@page`](http://braillespecs.github.io/braille-css/#h4_the-page-rule) rule
 * - the [`string()`](http://braillespecs.github.io/braille-css/#h4_the-string-function) function
$show-print-page-numbers: true !default;

@if $show-print-page-numbers {
        pagenum {
                string-set: print-page content();

 * @var nonNegativeInteger $levels-in-footer
 * @brief Levels in footer
 * Specify which headings are rendered in the footer.
 * The following CSS rule is included by default (where `$levels-in-footer` is the value of this
 * option):
 * ~~~sass
 * @for $level from 1 through 6 {
 *   @if $levels-in-footer >= $level {
 *     h#{$level} {
 *       string-set: footer content();
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
 * ~~~
 * In other words, the `footer` string is updated each time a heading with a level smaller than or
 * equal to `levels-in-footer` is encountered. In order to use the `footer` string include a rule like
 * the following in your custom style sheet:
 * ~~~css
 * @page {
 *   @bottom-center {
 *     content: string(footer);
 *   }
 * }
 * ~~~
 * See the CSS specification for more info:
 * - the [`string-set`](http://braillespecs.github.io/braille-css/#h4_the-string-set-property) property
 * - the [`@page`](http://braillespecs.github.io/braille-css/#h4_the-page-rule) rule
 * - the [`string()`](http://braillespecs.github.io/braille-css/#h4_the-string-function) function
$levels-in-footer: 0 !default;

@for $level from 1 through 6 {
        @if $levels-in-footer >= $level {
                h#{$level} {
                        string-set: footer content();