 * Tables

@mixin table-matrix(
    $transpose: false
) {
    @if $transpose == auto {
        display: none;
        &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(1) {
            display: table;
            render-table-by: row, column;
            -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate("$total-height");
        &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(2) {
            display: table;
            render-table-by: column, row;
            -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate("(+ 0.01 $total-height)");
    } @else if $transpose {
        display: table;
        render-table-by: column, row;
    } @else {
        display: table;
        render-table-by: row, column;
    -obfl-table-col-spacing: 2;
    -obfl-preferred-empty-space: 0;

@mixin _table-nested-list($axis1, $axis2) {
    display: block;
    render-table-by: $axis1, $axis2;
    &::table-by(#{$axis1}) {
        @extend %outer-list !optional;
        &::list-item {
            @extend %outer-list-item !optional;
    &::table-by(#{$axis2}) {
        @extend %inner-list !optional;
        &::list-item {
            @extend %inner-list-item !optional;

@mixin table-nested-list(
    $transpose: false,
    $header-suffix: none,
    $blank-cell-text: none
) {
    @if $transpose == auto {
        display: none;
        &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(1) {
            @include _table-nested-list(row, column);
            -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate("$total-height");
        &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(2) {
            @include _table-nested-list(column, row);
            -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate("(+ 0.01 $total-height)");
    } @else if $transpose {
        @include _table-nested-list(column, row);
    } @else {
        @include _table-nested-list(row, column);
    th::after {
        content: $header-suffix;
    td:blank::after {
        content: $blank-cell-text;
    // note that we don't need to use a content block to add stuff at
    // the top level, but it makes for a slightly nicer syntax

@mixin table-optimal($cost1, $cost2, $costs...) {
    display: none;
    &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(1) {
        @extend %layout1;
        -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate($cost1);
    &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(2) {
        @extend %layout2;
        -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate($cost2);
    @for $i from 3 to length($costs) + 3 {
        $cost: nth($costs, $i - 2);
        &:-obfl-alternate-scenario(#{$i}) {
            @extend %layout#{$i};
            -obfl-scenario-cost: -obfl-evaluate($cost);

 * @var string $duplicate-tables-with-class
 * @brief Duplicate tables
 * Set this variable to a value other than `null` to duplicate tables
 * with the given class. If the value is the empty string, all tables
 * without a class attribute are duplicated.
 * This feature is useful for trying out different table layouts before
 * deciding which layout to use for which table.
$duplicate-tables-with-class: null !default;

 * @var string $classes-for-table-duplicates
 * @brief Class names for table duplicates
 * If table duplication is enabled, this variable determines how many
 * copies are made and which classes are added. The value must be a
 * space separated list of class names. As many copies are made as
 * there are items in the list. The first class is added to the first
 * copy, etc. At least two items are required. A `.` may be used to
 * separate classes if multiple classes need to be added to a single
 * copy.
$classes-for-table-duplicates: "" !default;

@if $duplicate-tables-with-class != null {
    @xslt "tables.xsl" {
        duplicate-tables-with-class: $duplicate-tables-with-class;
        classes-for-table-duplicates: $classes-for-table-duplicates;