1   package org.daisy.pipeline.braille.liblouis.impl;
3   import java.text.Normalizer;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.Arrays;
6   import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
7   import java.util.Iterator;
8   import java.util.List;
9   import java.util.Locale;
10  import java.util.Map;
11  import java.util.stream.Collectors;
12  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
13  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
15  import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
16  import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects.ToStringHelper;
17  import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
18  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
19  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
21  import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.any;
22  import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.size;
23  import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.toArray;
24  import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
26  import cz.vutbr.web.css.CSSProperty;
27  import cz.vutbr.web.css.CSSProperty.FontStyle;
28  import cz.vutbr.web.css.CSSProperty.FontWeight;
29  import cz.vutbr.web.css.CSSProperty.TextDecoration;
30  import cz.vutbr.web.css.Term;
31  import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermIdent;
32  import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermInteger;
33  import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermList;
35  import org.daisy.braille.css.BrailleCSSProperty.BrailleCharset;
36  import org.daisy.braille.css.BrailleCSSProperty.Hyphens;
37  import org.daisy.braille.css.BrailleCSSProperty.LetterSpacing;
38  import org.daisy.braille.css.BrailleCSSProperty.TextTransform;
39  import org.daisy.braille.css.BrailleCSSProperty.WhiteSpace;
40  import org.daisy.braille.css.SimpleInlineStyle;
42  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractBrailleTranslator;
43  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractBrailleTranslator.util.DefaultLineBreaker;
44  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractHyphenator.util.NoHyphenator;
45  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider;
46  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider.util.Iterables;
47  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider.util.Function;
48  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider.util.Iterables.memoize;
49  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider.util.Iterables.transform;
50  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider.util.logCreate;
51  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.AbstractTransformProvider.util.logSelect;
52  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.BrailleTranslator;
53  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.BrailleTranslatorProvider;
54  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.CompoundBrailleTranslator;
55  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.Hyphenator;
56  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.Hyphenator.NonStandardHyphenationException;
57  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.Query;
58  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.Query.Feature;
59  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.Query.MutableQuery;
60  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.Query.util.mutableQuery;
61  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.TransformationException;
62  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.TransformProvider;
63  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.UnityBrailleTranslator;
64  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util.Strings.extractHyphens;
65  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util.Strings.insertHyphens;
66  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util.Strings.join;
67  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util.Strings.splitInclDelimiter;
68  import static org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util.Tuple2;
69  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.css.CSSStyledText;
70  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.liblouis.LiblouisTable;
71  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.liblouis.LiblouisTranslator;
72  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.liblouis.impl.LiblouisTableJnaImplProvider.LiblouisTableJnaImpl;
73  import org.daisy.pipeline.braille.liblouis.pef.LiblouisDisplayTableBrailleConverter;
75  import org.liblouis.DisplayException;
76  import org.liblouis.DisplayTable;
77  import org.liblouis.TranslationException;
78  import org.liblouis.TranslationResult;
79  import org.liblouis.Translator;
80  import org.liblouis.Typeform;
82  import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
83  import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
84  import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;
85  import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ReferencePolicy;
87  import static org.slf4j.helpers.NOPLogger.NOP_LOGGER;
88  import org.slf4j.Logger;
89  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
91  /**
92   * @see <a href="../../../../../../../../../doc/">User documentation</a>.
93   */
94  @Component(
95  	name = "org.daisy.pipeline.braille.liblouis.impl.LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider",
96  	service = {
97  		LiblouisTranslator.Provider.class,
98  		BrailleTranslatorProvider.class,
99  		TransformProvider.class
100 	}
101 )
102 public class LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider extends AbstractTransformProvider<LiblouisTranslator> implements LiblouisTranslator.Provider {
104 	private final static char SHY = '\u00AD';  // soft hyphen
105 	private final static char ZWSP = '\u200B'; // zero-width space
106 	private final static char NBSP = '\u00A0'; // no-break space
107 	private final static char LS = '\u2028';   // line separator
108 	private final static char RS = '\u001E';   // (for segmentation)
109 	private final static char US = '\u001F';   // (for segmentation)
110 	private final static Splitter SEGMENT_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(RS);
111 	private final static Pattern ON_NBSP_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("[" + SHY + ZWSP + "]*" + NBSP + "[" + SHY + ZWSP + NBSP + "]*");
112 	private final static Pattern ON_SPACE_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("[" + SHY + ZWSP + "]*[\\x20\t\\n\\r\\u2800" + NBSP + "][" + SHY + ZWSP + "\\x20\t\\n\\r\\u2800" + NBSP+ "]*");
113 	private final static Pattern LINE_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("[" + SHY + ZWSP + "]*[\\n\\r][" + SHY + ZWSP + "\\n\\r]*");
114 	private final static Pattern WORD_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("[\\x20\t\\n\\r\\u2800" + NBSP + "]+");
116 	private LiblouisTableJnaImplProvider tableProvider;
118 	@Reference(
119 		name = "LiblouisTableJnaImplProvider",
120 		unbind = "-",
121 		service = LiblouisTableJnaImplProvider.class,
122 		cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY,
123 		policy = ReferencePolicy.STATIC
124 	)
125 	protected void bindLiblouisTableJnaImplProvider(LiblouisTableJnaImplProvider provider) {
126 		tableProvider = provider;
127 		logger.debug("Registering Liblouis table provider: " + provider);
128 	}
130 	protected void unbindLiblouisTableJnaImplProvider(LiblouisTableJnaImplProvider provider) {
131 		tableProvider = null;
132 	}
134 	private final static Iterable<LiblouisTranslator> empty
135 	= Iterables.<LiblouisTranslator>empty();
137 	private final static List<String> supportedInput = ImmutableList.of("text-css");
139 	protected final Iterable<LiblouisTranslator> _get(Query query) {
140 		MutableQuery q = mutableQuery(query);
141 		for (Feature f : q.removeAll("input"))
142 			if (!supportedInput.contains(f.getValue().get()))
143 				return empty;
144 		if (q.containsKey("output")) {
145 			String v = q.removeOnly("output").getValue().get();
146 			if ("braille".equals(v)) {}
147 			else
148 				return empty; }
149 		if (q.containsKey("translator"))
150 			if (!"liblouis".equals(q.removeOnly("translator").getValue().get()))
151 				return empty;
152 		String table = null;
153 		if (q.containsKey("liblouis-table"))
154 			table = q.removeOnly("liblouis-table").getValue().get();
155 		if (q.containsKey("table"))
156 			if (table != null) {
157 				logger.warn("A query with both 'table' and 'liblouis-table' never matches anything");
158 				return empty; }
159 			else
160 				table = q.removeOnly("table").getValue().get();
161 		String v = null;
162 		if (q.containsKey("handle-non-standard-hyphenation"))
163 			v = q.removeOnly("handle-non-standard-hyphenation").getValue().get();
164 		else
165 			v = "ignore";
166 		final int handleNonStandardHyphenation = v.equalsIgnoreCase("fail") ?
167 			LiblouisTranslatorImpl.NON_STANDARD_HYPH_FAIL : v.equalsIgnoreCase("defer") ?
168 			LiblouisTranslatorImpl.NON_STANDARD_HYPH_DEFER :
169 			LiblouisTranslatorImpl.NON_STANDARD_HYPH_IGNORE;
170 		if (table != null)
171 			q.add("table", table);
172 		q.add("white-space");
173 		Iterable<LiblouisTranslator> translators = memoize(
174 			getSimpleTranslator(
175 				q.asImmutable(),
176 				handleNonStandardHyphenation));
177 		if (translators.apply(NOP_LOGGER).iterator().hasNext()) {
178 			// all translators use the same display table
179 			// FIXME: display table has already been computed in the getSimpleTranslator() call above
180 			DisplayTable displayTable = tableProvider.withContext(NOP_LOGGER).get(q).iterator().next().getDisplayTable();
181 			BrailleTranslator unityTranslator = new UnityBrailleTranslator(
182 				new LiblouisDisplayTableBrailleConverter(displayTable), false);
183 			return Iterables.transform(
184 				translators,
185 				new Function<LiblouisTranslator,LiblouisTranslator>() {
186 					public LiblouisTranslator _apply(LiblouisTranslator t) {
187 						return __apply(logCreate(new HandleTextTransformNone(t, unityTranslator))); }});
188 		} else
189 			return translators;
190 	}
192 	private Iterable<LiblouisTranslator> getSimpleTranslator(Query query, int handleNonStandardHyphenation) {
193 		return transform(
194 			logSelect(query, tableProvider),
195 			new Function<LiblouisTableJnaImpl,LiblouisTranslator>() {
196 				public LiblouisTranslator _apply(LiblouisTableJnaImpl table) {
197 					return __apply(
198 						logCreate((LiblouisTranslator)new LiblouisTranslatorImpl(
199 									table,
200 									null,
201 									handleNonStandardHyphenation)));
202 				}
203 			}
204 		);
205 	}
207 	@Override
208 	public ToStringHelper toStringHelper() {
209 		return MoreObjects.toStringHelper("LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider");
210 	}
212 	class LiblouisTranslatorImpl extends AbstractBrailleTranslator implements LiblouisTranslator {
214 		private final LiblouisTableJnaImpl table;
215 		protected final Translator translator;
216 		private final DisplayTable displayTable;
217 		private Hyphenator hyphenator;
218 		protected FullHyphenator fullHyphenator;
219 		private Hyphenator.LineBreaker lineBreaker;
220 		private final Map<String,Typeform> supportedTypeforms;
222 		// how to handle non-standard hyphenation in pre-translation mode
224 		// FIXME: DEFER should not be supported in FromStyledTextToBraille because that interface is
225 		// supposed to return only braille. However this is currently the only way to do
226 		// it. Components that use this translator should be aware of this when they request the
227 		// (handle-non-standard-hyphenation:defer) feature. They can assume that if the result
228 		// contains non-braille characters, the result is an exact copy of the input with no styles
229 		// applied.
230 		private final int handleNonStandardHyphenation;
231 		private final Normalizer.Form unicodeNormalization;
233 		public final static int NON_STANDARD_HYPH_IGNORE = 0;
234 		public final static int NON_STANDARD_HYPH_FAIL = 1;
235 		public final static int NON_STANDARD_HYPH_DEFER = 2;
237 		/**
238 		 * The following assumptions are made for <code>displayTable</code>:
239 		 * <ul>
240 		 *   <li> the NBSP character, if present in the display table, represents a preserved space, and no other
241 		 *        characters do </li>
242 		 *   <li> the LS character, if present in the display table, represents a preserved line break, and no other
243 		 *        characters do </li>
244 		 *   <li> the SPACE, TAB, CR, LF and BLANK BRAILLE PATTERN characters, if present in the display table, all
245 		 *        represent white space, and no other characters do </li>
246 		 * </ul>
247 		 */
248 		LiblouisTranslatorImpl(LiblouisTableJnaImpl table,
249 		                       Hyphenator hyphenator,
250 		                       int handleNonStandardHyphenation) {
251 			super(hyphenator, null);
252 			this.table = table;
253 			this.translator = table.getTranslator();
254 			this.displayTable = table.getDisplayTable();
255 			this.handleNonStandardHyphenation = handleNonStandardHyphenation;
256 			this.supportedTypeforms
257 				= translator.getSupportedTypeforms().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Typeform::getName, e -> e));
258 			this.unicodeNormalization = table.getUnicodeNormalizationForm();
259 			this.hyphenator = hyphenator;
260 			if (hyphenator == null)
261 				fullHyphenator = compoundWordHyphenator;
262 			else {
263 				try {
264 					fullHyphenator = new HyphenatorAsFullHyphenator(hyphenator); }
265 				catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}
266 				try {
267 					lineBreaker = hyphenator.asLineBreaker(); }
268 				catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}}
269 		}
271 		private LiblouisTranslatorImpl(LiblouisTranslatorImpl from, Hyphenator hyphenator) {
272 			super(from);
273 			this.table = from.table;
274 			this.translator = from.translator;
275 			this.displayTable = from.displayTable;
276 			this.handleNonStandardHyphenation = from.handleNonStandardHyphenation;
277 			this.supportedTypeforms = from.supportedTypeforms;
278 			this.unicodeNormalization = from.unicodeNormalization;
279 			this.hyphenator = hyphenator;
280 			if (hyphenator == null)
281 				fullHyphenator = compoundWordHyphenator;
282 			else {
283 				try {
284 					fullHyphenator = new HyphenatorAsFullHyphenator(hyphenator); }
285 				catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}
286 				try {
287 					lineBreaker = hyphenator.asLineBreaker(); }
288 				catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}}
289 		}
291 		// FIXME: not if (input:text-css)
292 		public LiblouisTable asLiblouisTable() {
293 			return table;
294 		}
296 		@Override
297 		public LiblouisTranslatorImpl _withHyphenator(Hyphenator hyphenator) {
298 			if (hyphenator == this.hyphenator)
299 				return this;
300 			LiblouisTranslatorImpl t = new LiblouisTranslatorImpl(this, hyphenator);
301 			LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider.this.rememberId(t);
302 			return t;
303 		}
305 		private FromTypeformedTextToBraille fromTypeformedTextToBraille;
307 		public FromTypeformedTextToBraille fromTypeformedTextToBraille() {
308 			if (fromTypeformedTextToBraille == null)
309 				fromTypeformedTextToBraille = new FromTypeformedTextToBraille() {
310 					public String[] transform(String[] text, String[] emphClasses) {
311 						Typeform[] typeform = new Typeform[emphClasses.length];
312 						for (int i = 0; i < typeform.length; i++) {
313 							typeform[i] = supportedTypeforms.get(emphClasses[i]);
314 							if (typeform[i] == null)
315 								logger.warn("emphclass 'italic' not defined in table {}", translator.getTable());
316 						}
317 						return LiblouisTranslatorImpl.this.transform(text, typeform);
318 					}
319 					@Override
320 					public String toString() {
321 						return LiblouisTranslatorImpl.this.toString();
322 					}
323 				};
324 			return fromTypeformedTextToBraille;
325 		}
327 		private FromStyledTextToBraille fromStyledTextToBraille;
329 		/**
330 		 * @throw TransformationException if underlying hyphenator throws {@link
331 		 *                                NonStandardHyphenationException}
332 		 */
333 		@Override
334 		public FromStyledTextToBraille fromStyledTextToBraille() {
335 			if (fromStyledTextToBraille == null)
336 				fromStyledTextToBraille = new FromStyledTextToBraille() {
337 					public java.lang.Iterable<String> transform(java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> styledText, int from, int to)
338 							throws TransformationException {
339 						try {
340 							List<String> result = LiblouisTranslatorImpl.this.transform(styledText, false, false);
341 							if (to < 0) to = result.size();
342 							if (from > 0 || to < result.size())
343 								return result.subList(from, to);
344 							else
345 								return result;
346 						} catch (NonStandardHyphenationException e) {
347 							throw new TransformationException(e);
348 						}
349 					}
350 					@Override
351 					public String toString() {
352 						return LiblouisTranslatorImpl.this.toString();
353 					}
354 				};
355 			return fromStyledTextToBraille;
356 		}
358 		private LineBreakingFromStyledText lineBreakingFromStyledText;
360 		@Override
361 		public LineBreakingFromStyledText lineBreakingFromStyledText() {
362 			if (lineBreakingFromStyledText == null)
363 				lineBreakingFromStyledText = new LineBreaker(
364 					new FromStyledTextToBraille() {
365 						public java.lang.Iterable<String> transform(java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> styledText, int from, int to) {
366 							List<String> result = LiblouisTranslatorImpl.this.transform(styledText, true, true);
367 							if (to < 0) to = result.size();
368 							if (from > 0 || to < result.size())
369 								return result.subList(from, to);
370 							else
371 								return result;
372 						}
373 					}) {
374 						@Override
375 						public String toString() {
376 							return LiblouisTranslatorImpl.this.toString();
377 						}
378 					};
379 			return lineBreakingFromStyledText;
380 		}
382 		class LineBreaker extends DefaultLineBreaker {
384 			final FromStyledTextToBraille fullTranslator;
386 			protected LineBreaker(FromStyledTextToBraille fullTranslator) {
387 				// Note that `displayTable.encode('\u2800')` is always a space because of the addition of spaces.dis
388 				super(displayTable.encode('\u2800'),
389 				      displayTable.encode('\u2824'),
390 				      new LiblouisDisplayTableBrailleConverter(displayTable),
391 				      logger);
392 				this.fullTranslator = fullTranslator;
393 			}
395 			protected BrailleStream translateAndHyphenate(java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> styledText, int from, int to) {
396 				// styledText is cloned because we are mutating the style objects
397 				java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> styledTextCopy
398 					= org.daisy.pipeline.braille.common.util.Iterables.clone(styledText);
399 				java.lang.Iterable<String> braille;
400 				try {
401 					braille = fullTranslator.transform(styledTextCopy); }
402 				catch (NonStandardHyphenationException e) {
403 					return new BrailleStreamImpl(styledText,
404 					                             from,
405 					                             to); }
406 				// style is mutated and may not be empty
407 				Iterator<SimpleInlineStyle> style = Iterators.transform(styledTextCopy.iterator(), CSSStyledText::getStyle);
408 				List<String> brailleWithPreservedWS = new ArrayList<>(); {
409 					for (String s : braille) {
410 						// the only property expected in the output is white-space
411 						// ignore other properties
412 						SimpleInlineStyle st = style.next();
413 						if (st != null) {
414 							CSSProperty ws = st.getProperty("white-space");
415 							if (ws != null) {
416 								if (ws == WhiteSpace.PRE_WRAP)
417 									s = s.replaceAll("[\\x20\t\\u2800]+", "$0"+ZWSP)
418 										.replaceAll("[\\x20\t\\u2800]", ""+NBSP);
419 								if (ws == WhiteSpace.PRE_WRAP || ws == WhiteSpace.PRE_LINE)
420 									s = s.replaceAll("[\\n\\r]", ""+LS); }}
421 						brailleWithPreservedWS.add(s);
422 					}
423 				}
424 				StringBuilder joined = new StringBuilder();
425 				int fromChar = 0;
426 				int toChar = to >= 0 ? 0 : -1;
427 				for (String s : brailleWithPreservedWS) {
428 					joined.append(s);
429 					if (--from == 0)
430 						fromChar = joined.length();
431 					if (--to == 0)
432 						toChar = joined.length();
433 				}
434 				return new FullyHyphenatedAndTranslatedString(joined.toString(), fromChar, toChar);
435 			}
437 			class BrailleStreamImpl implements BrailleStream {
439 				final Locale[] languages;
441 				// FIXME: remove duplication!!
443 				// convert style into typeform, hyphenate, preserveLines, preserveSpace and letterSpacing arrays
444 				final Typeform[] typeform;
445 				final boolean[] hyphenate;
446 				final boolean[] preserveLines;
447 				final boolean[] preserveSpace;
448 				final int[] letterSpacing;
450 				// text with some segments split up into white space segments that need to be preserved
451 				// in the output and other segments
452 				final String[] textWithWs;
454 				// boolean array for tracking which (non-empty white space) segments in textWithWs need
455 				// to be preserved
456 				final boolean[] pre;
458 				// mapping from index in textWithWs to index in text
459 				final int[] textWithWsMapping;
461 				// textWithWs segments joined together with hyphens removed and sequences of preserved
462 				// white space replaced with a nbsp
463 				String joinedText;
465 				// mapping from character (codepoint) index in joinedText to segment index in textWithWs
466 				int[] joinedTextMapping;
468 				// byte array for tracking hyphenation positions
469 				byte[] manualHyphens;
471 				// translation result without hyphens and with preserved white space not restored
472 				String joinedBraille;
474 				// mapping from character (codepoint) index in joinedBraille to character (codepoint) index in joinedText
475 				int[] characterIndicesInBraille;
477 				// mapping from inter-character (codepoint) index in joinedBraille to inter-character (codepoint) index in joinedText
478 				// 1-based because a inter-character attribute value of "0" in the output of Liblouis means "no attribute"
479 				int[] interCharacterIndicesInBraille;
481 				// current position (codepoint index) in input and output (joinedText and joinedBraille)
482 				int curPos = -1;
483 				int curPosInBraille = -1;
484 				int endPos = -1;
485 				int endPosInBraille = -1;
486 				final int to;
488 				BrailleStreamImpl(java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> styledText,
489 				                  int from,
490 				                  int to) {
492 					// convert Iterable<CSSStyledText> into an text array and a style array
493 					int size = size(styledText);
494 					if (to < 0) to = size;
495 					this.to = to;
497 					// FIXME: handle from and to properly
498 					String[] text = new String[size];
499 					SimpleInlineStyle[] styles = new SimpleInlineStyle[size];
500 					languages = new Locale[size]; {
501 						int i = 0;
502 						for (CSSStyledText t : styledText) {
503 							text[i] = t.getText();
504 							styles[i] = t.getStyle();
505 							languages[i] = t.getLanguage();
506 							i++; }}
508 					// perform Unicode normalization
509 					if (unicodeNormalization != null)
510 						for (int k = 0; k < text.length; k++)
511 							text[k] = Normalizer.normalize(text[k], unicodeNormalization);
513 					{ // compute typeform, hyphenate, preserveLines, preserveSpace and letterSpacing
514 						typeform = new Typeform[size];
515 						hyphenate = new boolean[size];
516 						preserveLines = new boolean[size];
517 						preserveSpace = new boolean[size];
518 						letterSpacing = new int[size];
519 						for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
520 							typeform[i] = Typeform.PLAIN_TEXT;
521 							hyphenate[i] = false;
522 							preserveLines[i] = preserveSpace[i] = false;
523 							letterSpacing[i] = 0;
524 							SimpleInlineStyle style = styles[i];
525 							if (style != null) {
526 								CSSProperty val = style.getProperty("white-space");
527 								if (val != null) {
528 									if (val == WhiteSpace.PRE_WRAP)
529 										preserveLines[i] = preserveSpace[i] = true;
530 									else if (val == WhiteSpace.PRE_LINE)
531 										preserveLines[i] = true;
532 									style.removeProperty("white-space"); }
533 								val = style.getProperty("text-transform");
534 								if (val != null) {
535 									if (val == TextTransform.NONE) {
536 										// "text-transform: none" is handled by HandleTextTransformNone, but
537 										// HandleTextTransformNone is a CompoundBrailleTranslator and
538 										// CompoundBrailleTranslator puts "text-transform: none" on (already translated)
539 										// context segments. We assume that all Liblouis tables correctly handle Unicode
540 										// braille. If this is not the case, it is not the end of the words because this
541 										// is a context segment.
542 										val = style.getProperty("braille-charset");
543 										if (val != null) {
544 											if (val == BrailleCharset.CUSTOM)
545 												// translate to Unicode braille
546 												text[i] = displayTable.decode(text[i]);
547 											style.removeProperty("braille-charset"); }
548 										style.removeProperty("text-transform");
549 										continue; }
550 									else if (val == TextTransform.AUTO) {}
551 									else if (val == TextTransform.list_values) {
552 										TermList values = style.getValue(TermList.class, "text-transform");
553 										text[i] = textFromTextTransform(text[i], values);
554 										typeform[i] = typeform[i].add(typeformFromTextTransform(values, translator, supportedTypeforms)); }
555 									style.removeProperty("text-transform"); }
556 								val = style.getProperty("hyphens");
557 								if (val != null) {
558 									if (val == Hyphens.AUTO)
559 										hyphenate[i] = true;
560 									else if (val == Hyphens.NONE)
561 										text[i] = extractHyphens(text[i], false, SHY, ZWSP)._1;
562 									style.removeProperty("hyphens"); }
563 								val = style.getProperty("letter-spacing");
564 								if (val != null) {
565 									if (val == LetterSpacing.length) {
566 										letterSpacing[i] = style.getValue(TermInteger.class, "letter-spacing").getIntValue();
567 										if (letterSpacing[i] < 0) {
568 											logger.warn("letter-spacing: {} not supported, must be non-negative", val);
569 											letterSpacing[i] = 0; }}
570 									style.removeProperty("letter-spacing"); }
571 								typeform[i] = typeform[i].add(typeformFromInlineCSS(style, translator, supportedTypeforms));
572 								for (String prop : style.getPropertyNames())
573 									logger.warn("{}: {} not supported", prop, style.get(prop)); }}
574 					}
575 					{ // compute preserved white space segments (textWithWs, textWithWsMapping, pre)
576 						List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>();
577 						List<Boolean> l2 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
578 						List<Integer> l3 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
579 						for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
580 							String t = text[i];
581 							if (t.isEmpty()) {
582 								l1.add(t);
583 								l2.add(false);
584 								l3.add(i); }
585 							else {
586 								Pattern ws;
587 								if (preserveSpace[i])
588 									ws = ON_SPACE_SPLITTER;
589 								else if (preserveLines[i])
590 									ws = LINE_SPLITTER;
591 								else
592 									ws = ON_NBSP_SPLITTER;
593 								boolean p = false;
594 								for (String s : splitInclDelimiter(t, ws)) {
595 									if (!s.isEmpty()) {
596 										l1.add(s);
597 										l2.add(p);
598 										l3.add(i); }
599 									p = !p; }}}
600 						int len = l1.size();
601 						textWithWs = new String[len];
602 						pre = new boolean[len];
603 						textWithWsMapping = new int[len];
604 						for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
605 							textWithWs[i] = l1.get(i);
606 							pre[i] = l2.get(i);
607 							textWithWsMapping[i] = l3.get(i); }
608 					}
609 					{ // compute joined text and manual hyphens array (joinedText, joinedTextMapping, manualHyphens)
610 						String[] textWithWsReplaced = new String[textWithWs.length];
611 						for (int i = 0; i < textWithWs.length; i++)
612 							textWithWsReplaced[i] = pre[i] ? ""+NBSP : textWithWs[i];
613 						Tuple2<String,byte[]> t = extractHyphens(join(textWithWsReplaced, RS), true, SHY, ZWSP);
614 						manualHyphens = t._2;
615 						String[] nohyph = toArray(SEGMENT_SPLITTER.split(t._1), String.class);
616 						joinedTextMapping = new int[lengthByCodePoints(join(nohyph))];
617 						int i = 0;
618 						int j = 0;
619 						for (String s : nohyph) {
620 							int l = lengthByCodePoints(s);
621 							for (int k = 0; k < l; k++)
622 								joinedTextMapping[i++] = j;
623 							j++; }
624 						t = extractHyphens(manualHyphens, t._1, true, null, null, null, RS);
625 						joinedText = t._1;
626 					}
627 					{ // compute initial curPos and endPos from from and to
628 						int fromChar = -1;
629 						int toChar = -1;
630 						for (int i = 0; i < joinedTextMapping.length; i++) {
631 							if (fromChar < 0 || (toChar < 0 && to >= 0)) {
632 								int indexInText = textWithWsMapping[joinedTextMapping[i]];
633 								if (fromChar < 0 && indexInText >= from)
634 									fromChar = i;
635 								if (toChar < 0 && indexInText >= to)
636 									toChar = i;
637 							} else
638 								break;
639 						}
640 						if (toChar < 0) toChar = joinedTextMapping.length;
641 						this.curPos = fromChar;
642 						this.endPos = toChar;
643 					}
644 				}
646 				public String next(final int limit, final boolean force, boolean allowHyphens) {
647 					String next = "";
648 					if (limit > 0) {
649 					int available = limit;
650 				  segments: while (true) {
651 						if (curPos == endPos)
652 							break;
653 						if (joinedBraille == null)
654 							updateBraille();
655 						int curSegment = joinedTextMapping[curPos];
656 						int curSegmentEnd; {
657 							int i = curPos;
658 							for (; i < endPos; i++)
659 								if (joinedTextMapping[i] > curSegment)
660 									break;
661 							curSegmentEnd = i; }
662 						int curSegmentEndInBraille = positionInBraille(curSegmentEnd);
663 						if (curSegmentEndInBraille == curPosInBraille)
664 							continue segments;
665 						String segment = substringByCodePoints(joinedText, curPos, curSegmentEnd);
666 						String segmentInBraille = joinedBraille.substring(curPosInBraille, curSegmentEndInBraille);
667 						byte[] segmentManualHyphens = manualHyphens != null
668 							? Arrays.copyOfRange(manualHyphens, curPos, curSegmentEnd - 1)
669 							: null;
671 						// restore preserved white space segments
672 						if (pre[curSegment]) {
673 							Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\xA0([\\xAD\\u200B]*)").matcher(segmentInBraille);
674 							if (m.matches()) {
675 								String restoredSpace = segment.replaceAll("[\\x20\t\\u2800]", ""+NBSP)
676 								                              .replaceAll("[\\n\\r]", ""+LS) + m.group(1);
677 								next += restoredSpace;
678 								available -= lengthByCodePoints(restoredSpace);
679 								curPos = curSegmentEnd;
680 								curPosInBraille = curSegmentEndInBraille;
681 								continue segments; }}
683 						// don't hyphenate if the segment fits in the available space
684 						// FIXME: we don't know for sure that the segment fits because there might be letter spacing!
685 						if (segmentInBraille.length() <= available) {
686 							segmentInBraille = addLetterSpacing(segment, segmentInBraille, curPos, curPosInBraille,
687 							                                    letterSpacing[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]]);
688 							next += segmentInBraille;
689 							available -= segmentInBraille.length();
690 							curPos = curSegmentEnd;
691 							curPosInBraille = curSegmentEndInBraille;
692 							continue segments; }
694 						// don't hyphenate if hyphenation is disabled for this segment, but do break compound words with a hyphen
695 						Locale language = languages[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]];
696 						if (!hyphenate[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]]) {
697 							segmentInBraille = addHyphensAndLetterSpacing(compoundWordHyphenator,
698 							                                              segment, segmentInBraille, curPos, curPosInBraille,
699 							                                              segmentManualHyphens, language,
700 							                                              letterSpacing[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]]);
701 							next += segmentInBraille;
702 							available -= segmentInBraille.length();
703 							curPos = curSegmentEnd;
704 							curPosInBraille = curSegmentEndInBraille;
705 							continue segments; }
707 						// try standard hyphenation of the whole segment
708 						if (fullHyphenator != null) {
709 							if (fullHyphenator == compoundWordHyphenator)
710 								logger.warn("hyphens: auto not supported");
711 							try {
712 								segmentInBraille = addHyphensAndLetterSpacing(fullHyphenator, segment, segmentInBraille, curPos, curPosInBraille,
713 								                                              segmentManualHyphens, language,
714 								                                              letterSpacing[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]]);
715 								next += segmentInBraille;
716 								available -= segmentInBraille.length();
717 								curPos = curSegmentEnd;
718 								curPosInBraille = curSegmentEndInBraille;
719 								continue segments; }
720 							catch (NonStandardHyphenationException e) {}}
722 						// loop over words in segment
723 						Matcher m = WORD_SPLITTER.matcher(segment);
724 						int segmentStart = curPos;
725 						boolean foundSpace;
726 						while ((foundSpace = m.find()) || curPos < curSegmentEnd) {
727 							int wordEnd = foundSpace ? segmentStart + m.start() : curSegmentEnd;
728 							if (wordEnd > curPos) {
729 								int wordEndInBraille = positionInBraille(wordEnd);
730 								if (wordEndInBraille > curPosInBraille) {
731 									String word = substringByCodePoints(joinedText, curPos, wordEnd);
732 									String wordInBraille = joinedBraille.substring(curPosInBraille, wordEndInBraille);
733 									byte[] wordManualHyphens = manualHyphens != null
734 										? Arrays.copyOfRange(manualHyphens, curPos, wordEnd - 1)
735 										: null;
737 									// don't hyphenate if word fits in the available space
738 									if (wordInBraille.length() <= available) {
739 										next += wordInBraille;
740 										available -= wordInBraille.length();
741 										curPos = wordEnd;
742 										curPosInBraille = wordEndInBraille; }
743 									else {
745 										// try standard hyphenation of the whole word
746 										try {
747 											if (fullHyphenator == null) throw new NonStandardHyphenationException();
748 											wordInBraille = addHyphensAndLetterSpacing(fullHyphenator, word, wordInBraille, curPos, curPosInBraille,
749 											                                           wordManualHyphens, language,
750 											                                           letterSpacing[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]]);
751 											next += wordInBraille;
752 											available -= wordInBraille.length();
753 											curPos = wordEnd;
754 											curPosInBraille = wordEndInBraille; }
755 										catch (NonStandardHyphenationException ee) {
757 											// before we try non-standard hyphenation, return what we have already
758 											// we do this because we are not sure that the value of "available" is accurate
759 											// this way we leave the responsibility of white space normalisation to DefaultLineBreaker
760 											// FIXME: remove the "available" variable
761 											if (!next.isEmpty())
762 												break segments;
764 											// try non-standard hyphenation
765 											if (lineBreaker == null) throw ee;
766 											Hyphenator.LineIterator lines = lineBreaker.transform(word, language);
768 											// do a binary search for the optimal break point
769 											LineBreakSolution bestSolution = null;
770 											int left = 1;
771 											int right = lengthByCodePoints(word) - 1;
772 											int textAvailable = available;
773 											if (textAvailable > right)
774 												textAvailable = right;
775 											if (textAvailable < left)
776 												break segments;
777 											while (true) {
778 												String line = lines.nextLine(textAvailable, force && next.isEmpty(), allowHyphens);
779 												String replacementWord = line + lines.remainder();
780 												if (updateInput(curPos, wordEnd, replacementWord)) {
781 													wordEnd = curPos + lengthByCodePoints(replacementWord);
782 													updateBraille(); }
783 												int lineEnd = curPos + lengthByCodePoints(line);
784 												int lineEndInBraille = positionInBraille(lineEnd);
785 												String lineInBraille = joinedBraille.substring(curPosInBraille, lineEndInBraille);
786 												lineInBraille = addLetterSpacing(line, lineInBraille, curPos, curPosInBraille,
787 												                                 letterSpacing[textWithWsMapping[curSegment]]);
788 												int lineInBrailleLength = lineInBraille.length();
789 												if (lines.lineHasHyphen()) {
790 													lineInBraille += "\u00ad";
791 													lineInBrailleLength++; }
792 												if (lineInBrailleLength == available) {
793 													bestSolution = new LineBreakSolution(); {
794 														bestSolution.line = line;
795 														bestSolution.replacementWord = replacementWord;
796 														bestSolution.lineInBraille = lineInBraille;
797 														bestSolution.lineInBrailleLength = lineInBrailleLength; }
798 													left = textAvailable + 1;
799 													right = textAvailable - 1; }
800 												else if (lineInBrailleLength < available) {
801 													left = textAvailable + 1;
802 													if (bestSolution == null || lineInBrailleLength > bestSolution.lineInBrailleLength) {
803 														bestSolution = new LineBreakSolution(); {
804 															bestSolution.line = line;
805 															bestSolution.replacementWord = replacementWord;
806 															bestSolution.lineInBraille = lineInBraille;
807 															bestSolution.lineInBrailleLength = lineInBrailleLength; }}}
808 												else
809 													right = textAvailable - 1;
810 												lines.reset();
811 												textAvailable = (right + left) / 2;
812 												if (textAvailable < left || textAvailable > right) {
813 													if (bestSolution != null) {
814 														next += bestSolution.lineInBraille;
815 														available = 0;
816 														if (updateInput(curPos, wordEnd, bestSolution.replacementWord))
817 															updateBraille();
818 														curPos += lengthByCodePoints(bestSolution.line);
819 														curPosInBraille = positionInBraille(curPos); }
820 													else if (force && next.isEmpty()) {
821 														next = wordInBraille;
822 														available = 0;
823 														curPos = wordEnd;
824 														curPosInBraille = wordEndInBraille; }
825 													break segments; } }}}}}
826 							if (foundSpace) {
827 								int spaceEnd = segmentStart + m.end();
828 								int spaceEndInBraille = positionInBraille(spaceEnd);
829 								if (spaceEndInBraille > curPosInBraille) {
830 									String spaceInBraille = joinedBraille.substring(curPosInBraille, spaceEndInBraille);
831 									next += spaceInBraille;
832 									available -= spaceInBraille.length();
833 									curPos = spaceEnd;
834 									curPosInBraille = spaceEndInBraille; }}}}
835 					}
836 					if (lastPeek != null && !next.isEmpty() && next.charAt(0) != lastPeek)
837 						throw new IllegalStateException();
838 					lastPeek = null;
839 					return next;
840 				}
842 				public boolean hasNext() {
843 					if (joinedBraille == null)
844 						updateBraille();
845 					boolean hasNextOutput = curPosInBraille < endPosInBraille;
846 					boolean hasNextInput = curPos < endPos;
847 					if (hasNextInput != hasNextOutput)
848 						throw new RuntimeException("coding error");
849 					return hasNextOutput;
850 				}
852 				Character lastPeek = null;
854 				public Character peek() {
855 					if (joinedBraille == null)
856 						updateBraille();
857 					lastPeek = joinedBraille.charAt(curPosInBraille);
858 					return lastPeek;
859 				}
861 				// FIXME: does not take into account white-space property of segments: if "white-space: pre",
862 				// spaces are not replaced with NBSP yet at this point (this only happens in next() method)
863 				public String remainder() {
864 					if (joinedBraille == null)
865 						updateBraille();
866 					return joinedBraille.substring(curPosInBraille, endPosInBraille);
867 				}
869 				// FIXME: does not take into account white-space property of segments: if "white-space: pre",
870 				// spaces are not replaced with NBSP yet at this point (this only happens in next() method)
871 				public boolean hasPrecedingSpace() {
872 					if (joinedBraille == null)
873 						updateBraille();
874 					return DefaultLineBreaker.hasPrecedingSpace(joinedBraille, curPosInBraille);
875 				}
877 				@Override
878 				public Object clone() {
879 					try {
880 						BrailleStreamImpl clone = (BrailleStreamImpl)super.clone();
881 						if (joinedTextMapping != null)
882 							clone.joinedTextMapping = joinedTextMapping.clone();
883 						if (manualHyphens != null)
884 							clone.manualHyphens = manualHyphens.clone();
885 						if (characterIndicesInBraille != null)
886 							clone.characterIndicesInBraille = characterIndicesInBraille.clone();
887 						if (interCharacterIndicesInBraille != null)
888 							clone.interCharacterIndicesInBraille = interCharacterIndicesInBraille.clone();
889 						return clone;
890 					} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
891 						throw new InternalError("coding error");
892 					}
893 				}
895 				private int positionInBraille(int pos) {
896 					int posInBraille = curPosInBraille;
897 					if (posInBraille < 0) posInBraille = 0;
898 					for (; posInBraille < joinedBraille.length(); posInBraille++)
899 						if (characterIndicesInBraille[posInBraille] >= pos)
900 							break;
901 					return posInBraille;
902 				}
904 				private String addHyphensAndLetterSpacing(FullHyphenator fullHyphenator,
905 				                                          String segment,
906 				                                          String segmentInBraille,
907 				                                          int curPos,
908 				                                          int curPosInBraille,
909 				                                          byte[] manualHyphens,
910 				                                          Locale language,
911 				                                          int letterSpacing) {
912 					byte[] hyphens = fullHyphenator.hyphenate(
913 						// insert manual hyphens first so that hyphenator knows which words to skip
914 						insertHyphens(segment, manualHyphens, true, SHY, ZWSP),
915 						language);
916 					// FIXME: don't hard-code the number 4
917 					byte[] hyphensAndLetterBoundaries
918 						= (letterSpacing > 0) ? detectLetterBoundaries(hyphens, segment, (byte)4) : hyphens;
919 					if (hyphensAndLetterBoundaries == null && manualHyphens == null)
920 						return segment;
921 					byte[] hyphensAndLetterBoundariesInBraille = new byte[segmentInBraille.length() - 1];
922 					if (hyphensAndLetterBoundaries != null) {
923 						for (int i = 0; i < hyphensAndLetterBoundariesInBraille.length; i++) {
924 							int pos = interCharacterIndicesInBraille[curPosInBraille + i] - 1;
925 							if (pos >= 0)
926 								hyphensAndLetterBoundariesInBraille[i] = hyphensAndLetterBoundaries[pos - curPos];
927 						}
928 					}
929 					String r = insertHyphens(segmentInBraille, hyphensAndLetterBoundariesInBraille, false, SHY, ZWSP, US);
930 					return (letterSpacing > 0) ? applyLetterSpacing(r, letterSpacing) : r;
931 				}
933 				private String addLetterSpacing(String segment,
934 				                                String segmentInBraille,
935 				                                int curPos,
936 				                                int curPosInBraille,
937 				                                int letterSpacing) {
938 					if (letterSpacing > 0) {
939 						// FIXME: don't hard-code the number 1
940 						byte[] letterBoundaries = detectLetterBoundaries(null, segment, (byte)1);
941 						byte[] letterBoundariesInBraille = new byte[segmentInBraille.length() - 1];
942 						for (int i = 0; i < letterBoundariesInBraille.length; i++) {
943 							int pos = interCharacterIndicesInBraille[curPosInBraille + i] - 1;
944 							if (pos >= 0)
945 								letterBoundariesInBraille[i] = letterBoundaries[pos - curPos];
946 						}
947 						return applyLetterSpacing(insertHyphens(segmentInBraille, letterBoundariesInBraille, false, US), letterSpacing); }
948 					else
949 						return segmentInBraille;
950 				}
952 				private boolean updateInput(int start, int end, String replacement) {
953 					if (substringByCodePoints(joinedText, start, end).equals(replacement))
954 						return false;
955 					joinedText = substringByCodePoints(joinedText, 0, start) + replacement + substringByCodePoints(joinedText, end);
956 					{ // recompute joinedTextMapping
957 						int[] updatedJoinedTextMapping = new int[lengthByCodePoints(joinedText)];
958 						int i = 0;
959 						int j = 0;
960 						while (i < start)
961 							updatedJoinedTextMapping[j++] = joinedTextMapping[i++];
962 						int startSegment = joinedTextMapping[start];
963 						while (i < end)
964 							if (joinedTextMapping[i++] != startSegment)
965 								throw new RuntimeException("Coding error");
966 						while (j < start + lengthByCodePoints(replacement))
967 							updatedJoinedTextMapping[j++] = startSegment;
968 						while (j < updatedJoinedTextMapping.length)
969 							updatedJoinedTextMapping[j++] = joinedTextMapping[i++];
970 						joinedTextMapping = updatedJoinedTextMapping;
971 					}
972 					// recompute manualHyphens
973 					if (manualHyphens != null) {
974 						byte[] updatedManualHyphens = new byte[lengthByCodePoints(joinedText) - 1];
975 						int i = 0;
976 						int j = 0;
977 						while (i < start)
978 							updatedManualHyphens[j++] = manualHyphens[i++];
979 						while (j < start + lengthByCodePoints(replacement) - 1)
980 							updatedManualHyphens[j++] = 0;
981 						i = end - 1;
982 						while (j < updatedManualHyphens.length)
983 							updatedManualHyphens[j++] = manualHyphens[i++];
984 						manualHyphens = updatedManualHyphens;
985 					}
986 					{ // recompute endPos
987 						int toChar = -1;
988 						if (to >= 0)
989 							for (int i = 0; i < joinedTextMapping.length; i++)
990 								if (textWithWsMapping[joinedTextMapping[i]] >= to) {
991 									toChar = i;
992 									break; }
993 						this.endPos = toChar > 0 ? toChar : joinedTextMapping.length;
994 					}
995 					return true;
996 				}
998 				// TODO: warn about lost white space?
999 				private void updateBraille() {
1000 					int joinedTextLength = lengthByCodePoints(joinedText);
1002 					String partBeforeCurPos = curPosInBraille > 0 ? joinedBraille.substring(0, curPosInBraille): null;
1003 					int[] characterIndices = new int[joinedTextLength]; {
1004 						for (int i = 0; i < joinedTextLength; i++)
1005 							characterIndices[i] = i; }
1006 					int[] interCharacterIndices = new int[joinedTextLength - 1]; {
1007 						for (int i = 0; i < joinedTextLength - 1; i++)
1008 							interCharacterIndices[i] = i + 1; }
1010 					// typeform var with the same length as joinedText
1011 					Typeform[] _typeform = null;
1012 					for (Typeform t : typeform)
1013 						if (t != Typeform.PLAIN_TEXT) {
1014 							_typeform = new Typeform[joinedTextLength];
1015 							for (int i = 0; i < _typeform.length; i++)
1016 								_typeform[i] = typeform[textWithWsMapping[joinedTextMapping[i]]];
1017 							break; }
1018 					try {
1019 						TranslationResult r = translator.translate(joinedText, _typeform, characterIndices, interCharacterIndices, displayTable);
1020 						joinedBraille = r.getBraille();
1021 						if (lengthByCodePoints(joinedBraille) != joinedBraille.length())
1022 							throw new RuntimeException(); // assuming there are no characters above U+FFFF in braille
1023 						characterIndicesInBraille = r.getCharacterAttributes();
1024 						interCharacterIndicesInBraille = r.getInterCharacterAttributes(); }
1025 					catch (TranslationException e) {
1026 						throw new RuntimeException(e); }
1027 					catch (DisplayException e) {
1028 						throw new RuntimeException(e); }
1029 					if (partBeforeCurPos != null)
1030 						if (!joinedBraille.substring(0, curPosInBraille).equals(partBeforeCurPos))
1031 							throw new IllegalStateException();
1032 					int newCurPosInBraille = positionInBraille(curPos);
1033 					if (curPosInBraille >= 0) {
1034 						if (curPosInBraille != newCurPosInBraille)
1035 							throw new IllegalStateException();
1036 					} else
1037 						curPosInBraille = newCurPosInBraille;
1038 					endPosInBraille = positionInBraille(endPos);
1039 				}
1040 			}
1041 		}
1043 		private List<String> transform(java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> styledText,
1044 		                               boolean forceBraille,
1045 		                               boolean failWhenNonStandardHyphenation) throws NonStandardHyphenationException {
1046 			try {
1047 				if (fullHyphenator == compoundWordHyphenator)
1048 					if (any(styledText, t -> {
1049 								SimpleInlineStyle style = t.getStyle();
1050 								return style != null && style.getProperty("hyphens") == Hyphens.AUTO; }))
1051 						logger.warn("hyphens: auto not supported");
1052 				styledText = fullHyphenator.transform(styledText); }
1053 			catch (NonStandardHyphenationException e) {
1054 				if (failWhenNonStandardHyphenation)
1055 					throw e;
1056 				else
1057 					switch (handleNonStandardHyphenation) {
1059 						logger.warn("hyphens: auto can not be applied due to non-standard hyphenation points.");
1060 						break;
1061 					case NON_STANDARD_HYPH_FAIL:
1062 						logger.error("hyphens: auto can not be applied due to non-standard hyphenation points.");
1063 						throw e;
1065 						if (forceBraille) {
1066 							logger.error("hyphens: auto can not be applied due to non-standard hyphenation points.");
1067 							throw e; }
1068 						logger.debug("Deferring hyphenation to formatting phase due to non-standard hyphenation points.");
1070 						// TODO: split up text in words and only defer the words with non-standard hyphenation
1071 						List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
1072 						for (CSSStyledText t : styledText) result.add(t.getText());
1073 						return result; }}
1075 			int size = size(styledText);
1076 			String[] text = new String[size];
1077 			SimpleInlineStyle[] style = new SimpleInlineStyle[size];
1078 			int i = 0;
1079 			for (CSSStyledText t : styledText) {
1080 				text[i] = t.getText();
1081 				style[i] = t.getStyle();
1082 				if (style[i] != null)
1083 					style[i].removeProperty("hyphens"); // handled above
1084 				i++; }
1085 			return Arrays.asList(transform(text, style));
1086 		}
1088 		private String[] transform(String[] text, SimpleInlineStyle[] styles) {
1089 			int size = text.length;
1090 			Typeform[] typeform = new Typeform[size];
1091 			boolean[] preserveLines = new boolean[size];
1092 			boolean[] preserveSpace = new boolean[size];
1093 			int[] letterSpacing = new int[size];
1094 			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
1095 				typeform[i] = Typeform.PLAIN_TEXT;
1096 				preserveLines[i] = preserveSpace[i] = false;
1097 				letterSpacing[i] = 0;
1098 				SimpleInlineStyle style = styles[i];
1099 				if (style != null) {
1100 					CSSProperty val = style.getProperty("white-space");
1101 					if (val != null) {
1102 						if (val == WhiteSpace.PRE_WRAP)
1103 							preserveLines[i] = preserveSpace[i] = true;
1104 						else if (val == WhiteSpace.PRE_LINE)
1105 							preserveLines[i] = true;
1106 						// don't remove "white-space" property because it has not been fully handled
1107 					}
1108 					val = style.getProperty("text-transform");
1109 					if (val != null) {
1110 						if (val == TextTransform.NONE) {
1111 							// "text-transform: none" is handled by HandleTextTransformNone, but HandleTextTransformNone
1112 							// is a CompoundBrailleTranslator and CompoundBrailleTranslator puts "text-transform: none"
1113 							// on (already translated) context segments. We assume that all Liblouis tables correctly
1114 							// handle Unicode braille. If this is not the case, it is not the end of the words because
1115 							// this is a context segment.
1116 							val = style.getProperty("braille-charset");
1117 							if (val != null) {
1118 								if (val == BrailleCharset.CUSTOM)
1119 									// translate to Unicode braille
1120 									text[i] = displayTable.decode(text[i]);
1121 								style.removeProperty("braille-charset"); }
1122 							style.removeProperty("text-transform");
1123 							continue; }
1124 						else if (val == TextTransform.AUTO) {}
1125 						else if (val == TextTransform.list_values) {
1126 							TermList values = style.getValue(TermList.class, "text-transform");
1127 							text[i] = textFromTextTransform(text[i], values);
1128 							typeform[i] = typeform[i].add(typeformFromTextTransform(values, translator, supportedTypeforms)); }
1129 						style.removeProperty("text-transform"); }
1130 					val = style.getProperty("letter-spacing");
1131 					if (val != null) {
1132 						if (val == LetterSpacing.length) {
1133 							letterSpacing[i] = style.getValue(TermInteger.class, "letter-spacing").getIntValue();
1134 							if (letterSpacing[i] < 0) {
1135 								logger.warn("letter-spacing: {} not supported, must be non-negative", val);
1136 								letterSpacing[i] = 0; }}
1137 						style.removeProperty("letter-spacing"); }
1138 					typeform[i] = typeform[i].add(typeformFromInlineCSS(style, translator, supportedTypeforms));
1139 					for (String prop : style.getPropertyNames())
1140 						if (!"white-space".equals(prop))
1141 							logger.warn("{}: {} not supported", prop, style.get(prop)); }}
1143 			return transform(text, typeform, preserveLines, preserveSpace, letterSpacing);
1144 		}
1146 		private String[] transform(String[] text, Typeform[] typeform) {
1147 			int size = text.length;
1148 			boolean[] preserveLines = new boolean[size];
1149 			boolean[] preserveSpace = new boolean[size];
1150 			int[] letterSpacing = new int[size];
1151 			for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
1152 				preserveLines[i] = preserveSpace[i] = false;
1153 				letterSpacing[i] = 0; }
1154 			return transform(text, typeform, preserveLines, preserveSpace, letterSpacing);
1155 		}
1157 		// the positions in the text where spacing must be inserted have been previously indicated with a US control character
1158 		private String applyLetterSpacing(String text, int letterSpacing) {
1159 			String space = "";
1160 			for (int i = 0; i < letterSpacing; i++)
1161 				space += NBSP;
1162 			return text.replaceAll("\u001F", space);
1163 		}
1165 		private String[] transform(String[] text,
1166 		                           Typeform[] typeform,
1167 		                           boolean[] preserveLines,
1168 		                           boolean[] preserveSpace,
1169 		                           int[] letterSpacing) {
1171 			// perform Unicode normalization
1172 			if (unicodeNormalization != null)
1173 				for (int k = 0; k < text.length; k++)
1174 					text[k] = Normalizer.normalize(text[k], unicodeNormalization);
1176 			// text with some segments split up into white space segments that need to be preserved
1177 			// in the output and other segments
1178 			String[] textWithWs;
1179 			// boolean array for tracking which (non-empty white space) segments in textWithWs need
1180 			// to be preserved
1181 			boolean[] pre;
1182 			// mapping from index in textWithWs to index in text
1183 			int[] textWithWsMapping; {
1184 				List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>();
1185 				List<Boolean> l2 = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
1186 				List<Integer> l3 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
1187 				for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
1188 					String t = text[i];
1189 					if (t.isEmpty()) {
1190 						l1.add(t);
1191 						l2.add(false);
1192 						l3.add(i); }
1193 					else {
1194 						Pattern ws;
1195 						if (preserveSpace[i])
1196 							ws = ON_SPACE_SPLITTER;
1197 						else if (preserveLines[i])
1198 							ws = LINE_SPLITTER;
1199 						else
1200 							ws = ON_NBSP_SPLITTER;
1201 						boolean p = false;
1202 						for (String s : splitInclDelimiter(t, ws)) {
1203 							if (!s.isEmpty()) {
1204 								l1.add(s);
1205 								l2.add(p);
1206 								l3.add(i); }
1207 							p = !p; }}}
1208 				int len = l1.size();
1209 				textWithWs = new String[len];
1210 				pre = new boolean[len];
1211 				textWithWsMapping = new int[len];
1212 				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1213 					textWithWs[i] = l1.get(i);
1214 					pre[i] = l2.get(i);
1215 					textWithWsMapping[i] = l3.get(i); }
1216 			}
1218 			// textWithWs segments joined together with hyphens removed and sequences of preserved
1219 			// white space replaced with a nbsp
1220 			String joinedText;
1221 			// mapping from character index in joinedText to segment index in textWithWs
1222 			int[] joinedTextMapping;
1223 			// byte array for tracking hyphenation positions, segment boundaries and boundaries of
1224 			// sequences of preserved white space
1225 			byte[] inputAttrs; {
1226 				String[] textWithWsReplaced = new String[textWithWs.length];
1227 				for (int i = 0; i < textWithWs.length; i++)
1228 					textWithWsReplaced[i] = pre[i] ? ""+NBSP : textWithWs[i];
1229 				Tuple2<String,byte[]> t = extractHyphens(join(textWithWsReplaced, RS), true, SHY, ZWSP);
1230 				joinedText = t._1;
1231 				inputAttrs = t._2;
1232 				String[] nohyph = toArray(SEGMENT_SPLITTER.split(joinedText), String.class);
1233 				joinedTextMapping = new int[lengthByCodePoints(join(nohyph))];
1234 				int i = 0;
1235 				int j = 0;
1236 				for (String s : nohyph) {
1237 					int l = lengthByCodePoints(s);
1238 					for (int k = 0; k < l; k++)
1239 						joinedTextMapping[i++] = j;
1240 					j++; }
1241 				t = extractHyphens(inputAttrs, joinedText, true, null, null, null, RS);
1242 				joinedText = t._1;
1243 				inputAttrs = t._2;
1244 				if (joinedText.matches("\\xA0*"))
1245 					return text;
1246 				if (inputAttrs == null)
1247 					inputAttrs = new byte[lengthByCodePoints(joinedText) - 1];
1248 			}
1250 			// add letter information to inputAttrs array
1251 			boolean someLetterSpacing = false; {
1252 				for (int i = 0; i < letterSpacing.length; i++)
1253 					if (letterSpacing[i] > 0) someLetterSpacing = true; }
1254 			if (someLetterSpacing)
1255 				// FIXME: don't hard-code the number 4
1256 				inputAttrs = detectLetterBoundaries(inputAttrs, joinedText, (byte)4);
1258 			// typeform var with the same length as joinedText
1259 			Typeform[] _typeform = null;
1260 			for (Typeform t : typeform)
1261 				if (t != Typeform.PLAIN_TEXT) {
1262 					_typeform = new Typeform[lengthByCodePoints(joinedText)];
1263 					for (int i = 0; i < _typeform.length; i++)
1264 						_typeform[i] = typeform[textWithWsMapping[joinedTextMapping[i]]];
1265 					break; }
1267 			// translate to braille with hyphens and restored white space
1268 			String[] brailleWithWs;
1269 			try {
1271 				// translation result with hyphens and segment boundary marks
1272 				String joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens;
1273 				String joinedBraille;
1274 				byte[] outputAttrs; {
1275 					int[] inputAttrsAsInt = new int[inputAttrs.length];
1276 					for (int i = 0; i < inputAttrs.length; i++)
1277 						inputAttrsAsInt[i] = inputAttrs[i];
1278 					TranslationResult r = translator.translate(joinedText, _typeform, null, inputAttrsAsInt, displayTable);
1279 					joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens = r.getBraille();
1280 					if (lengthByCodePoints(joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens) != joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens.length())
1281 						throw new RuntimeException(); // assuming there are no characters above U+FFFF in braille
1282 					int [] outputAttrsAsInt = r.getInterCharacterAttributes();
1283 					if (outputAttrsAsInt != null) {
1284 						outputAttrs = new byte[outputAttrsAsInt.length];
1285 						for (int i = 0; i < outputAttrs.length; i++)
1286 							outputAttrs[i] = (byte)outputAttrsAsInt[i];
1287 						joinedBraille = insertHyphens(joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens, outputAttrs, false, SHY, ZWSP, US, RS); }
1288 					else {
1289 						joinedBraille = joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens;
1290 						outputAttrs = null; }
1291 				}
1293 				// single segment
1294 				if (textWithWs.length == 1)
1295 					brailleWithWs = new String[]{joinedBraille};
1296 				else {
1298 					// split into segments
1299 					{
1300 						brailleWithWs = new String[textWithWs.length];
1301 						int i = 0;
1302 						int imax = lengthByCodePoints(joinedText);
1303 						int kmax = textWithWs.length;
1304 						int k = (i < imax) ? joinedTextMapping[i] : kmax;
1305 						int l = 0;
1306 						while (l < k) brailleWithWs[l++] = "";
1307 						for (String s : SEGMENT_SPLITTER.split(joinedBraille)) {
1308 							brailleWithWs[l++] = s;
1309 							while (k < l)
1310 								k = (++i < imax) ? joinedTextMapping[i] : kmax;
1311 							while (l < k)
1312 								brailleWithWs[l++] = ""; }
1313 						if (l == kmax) {
1314 							boolean wsLost = false;
1315 							for (k = 0; k < kmax; k++)
1316 								if (pre[k]) {
1317 									Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\xA0([\\xAD\\u200B]*)").matcher(brailleWithWs[k]);
1318 									if (m.matches())
1319 										brailleWithWs[k] = textWithWs[k] + m.group(1);
1320 									else
1321 										wsLost = true; }
1322 							if (wsLost) {
1323 								logger.warn("White space was not preserved (see detailed log for more info)");
1324 								logger.debug("White space was lost in the output.\n"
1325 								             + "Input: " + Arrays.toString(textWithWs) + "\n"
1326 								             + "Output: " + Arrays.toString(brailleWithWs)); }}
1327 						else {
1328 							logger.warn("Text segmentation was lost (see detailed log for more info)");
1329 							logger.debug("Text segmentation was lost in the output. Falling back to fuzzy mode.\n"
1330 							             + "=> input segments: " + Arrays.toString(textWithWs) + "\n"
1331 							             + "=> output segments: " + Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(brailleWithWs, l)));
1332 							brailleWithWs = null; }
1333 					}
1335 					// if some segment breaks were discarded, fall back on a fuzzy split method
1336 					if (brailleWithWs == null) {
1338 						// int array for tracking segment numbers
1339 						// Note that we make the assumption here that the text is not longer than Integer.MAX_VALUE!
1340 						int[] inputSegmentNumbers = joinedTextMapping;
1342 						// split at all positions where the segment number is increased in the output
1343 						TranslationResult r = translator.translate(joinedText, _typeform, inputSegmentNumbers, null, displayTable);
1344 						if (!r.getBraille().equals(joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens))
1345 							throw new RuntimeException("Coding error");
1346 						int[] outputSegmentNumbers = r.getCharacterAttributes();
1347 						brailleWithWs = new String[textWithWs.length];
1348 						boolean wsLost = false;
1349 						StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
1350 						int jmax = joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens.length();
1351 						int kmax = textWithWs.length;
1352 						int k = joinedTextMapping[0];
1353 						int l = 0;
1354 						while (l < k)
1355 							brailleWithWs[l++] = "";
1356 						for (int j = 0; j < jmax; j++) {
1357 							if (outputSegmentNumbers[j] > l) {
1358 								brailleWithWs[l] = b.toString();
1359 								b = new StringBuffer();
1360 								// FIXME: don't hard-code the number 8
1361 								if (j > 0 && (outputAttrs[j - 1] & 8) == 8) {
1362 									if (pre[l]) {
1363 										Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\xA0([\\xAD\\u200B]*)").matcher(brailleWithWs[l]);
1364 										if (m.matches())
1365 											brailleWithWs[l] = textWithWs[l] + m.group(1);
1366 										else
1367 											wsLost = true; }}
1368 								else {
1369 									if (pre[l])
1370 										wsLost = true;
1371 									if (l <= kmax && pre[l + 1]) {
1372 										pre[l + 1] = false;
1373 										wsLost = true; }}
1374 								l++;
1375 								while (outputSegmentNumbers[j] > l) {
1376 									brailleWithWs[l] = "";
1377 									if (pre[l])
1378 										wsLost = true;
1379 									l++; }}
1380 							b.append(joinedBrailleWithoutHyphens.charAt(j));
1381 							if (j < jmax - 1) {
1382 								// FIXME: don't hard-code these numbers
1383 								if ((outputAttrs[j] & 1) == 1)
1384 									b.append(SHY);
1385 								if ((outputAttrs[j] & 2) == 2)
1386 									b.append(ZWSP);
1387 								if ((outputAttrs[j] & 4) == 4)
1388 									b.append(US); }}
1389 						brailleWithWs[l] = b.toString();
1390 						if (pre[l])
1391 							if (brailleWithWs[l].equals(""+NBSP))
1392 								brailleWithWs[l] = textWithWs[l];
1393 							else
1394 								wsLost = true;
1395 						l++;
1396 						while (l < kmax) {
1397 							if (pre[l])
1398 								wsLost = true;
1399 							brailleWithWs[l++] = ""; }
1400 						if (wsLost) {
1401 							logger.warn("White space was not preserved: " + joinedText.replaceAll("\\s+"," "));
1402 							logger.debug("White space was lost in the output.\n"
1403 							             + "Input: " + Arrays.toString(textWithWs) + "\n"
1404 							             + "Output: " + Arrays.toString(brailleWithWs)); }
1405 					}
1406 				}
1407 			} catch (TranslationException e) {
1408 				throw new RuntimeException(e);
1409 			} catch (DisplayException e) {
1410 				throw new RuntimeException(e); }
1412 			// recombine white space segments with other segments
1413 			String braille[] = new String[text.length];
1414 			for (int i = 0; i < braille.length; i++)
1415 				braille[i] = "";
1416 			for (int j = 0; j < brailleWithWs.length; j++)
1417 				braille[textWithWsMapping[j]] += brailleWithWs[j];
1419 			// apply letter spacing
1420 			if (someLetterSpacing)
1421 				for (int i = 0; i < braille.length; i++)
1422 					braille[i] = applyLetterSpacing(braille[i], letterSpacing[i]);
1424 			return braille;
1425 		}
1427 		/*
1428 		 * Detect where letter boundaries meet. Length of addTo must be one less than length of text.
1429 		 */
1430 		private byte[] detectLetterBoundaries(byte[] addTo, String text, byte val) {
1431 			if (addTo == null)
1432 				addTo = new byte[lengthByCodePoints(text) - 1];
1433 			int i = 0;
1434 			int prev = -1;
1435 			for (int c : text.codePoints().toArray()) {
1436 				if (i > 0 && ((Character.isLetter(c) && Character.isLetter(prev)) ||
1437 				              c == '-' ||
1438 				              prev == '-'))
1439 					addTo[i - 1] |= val;
1440 				if (i < addTo.length && c == '\u00ad') // SHY is not actual character, so boundary only after SHY
1441 					addTo[i] |= val;
1442 				prev = c;
1443 				i++;
1444 			}
1445 			return addTo;
1446 		}
1448 		@Override
1449 		public ToStringHelper toStringHelper() {
1450 			return MoreObjects.toStringHelper("LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider$LiblouisTranslatorImpl")
1451 				.add("translator", translator)
1452 				.add("displayTable", displayTable)
1453 				.add("hyphenator", hyphenator);
1454 		}
1456 		@Override
1457 		public int hashCode() {
1458 			final int prime = 31;
1459 			int hash = 1;
1460 			hash = prime * hash + translator.hashCode();
1461 			hash = prime * hash + ((hyphenator == null) ? 0 : hyphenator.hashCode());
1462 			hash = prime * hash + handleNonStandardHyphenation;
1463 			return hash;
1464 		}
1466 		@Override
1467 		public boolean equals(Object object) {
1468 			if (this == object)
1469 				return true;
1470 			if (object == null)
1471 				return false;
1472 			if (object.getClass() != LiblouisTranslatorImpl.class)
1473 				return false;
1474 			LiblouisTranslatorImpl that = (LiblouisTranslatorImpl)object;
1475 			if (!this.translator.equals(that.translator))
1476 				return false;
1477 			if (!this.displayTable.equals(that.displayTable))
1478 				return false;
1479 			if (this.hyphenator == null && that.hyphenator != null)
1480 				return false;
1481 			if (this.hyphenator != null && that.hyphenator == null)
1482 				return false;
1483 			if (!this.hyphenator.equals(that.hyphenator))
1484 				return false;
1485 			return true;
1486 		}
1487 	}
1489 	private class HandleTextTransformNone extends CompoundBrailleTranslator implements LiblouisTranslator {
1491 		final LiblouisTranslator translator;
1493 		HandleTextTransformNone(LiblouisTranslator translator, BrailleTranslator unityTranslator) {
1494 			super(translator, ImmutableMap.of("none", () -> unityTranslator));
1495 			this.translator = translator;
1496 		}
1498 		private HandleTextTransformNone(CompoundBrailleTranslator from, LiblouisTranslator translator) {
1499 			super(from);
1500 			this.translator = translator;
1501 		}
1503 		@Override
1504 		public HandleTextTransformNone _withHyphenator(Hyphenator hyphenator) {
1505 			HandleTextTransformNone t = new HandleTextTransformNone(
1506 				(CompoundBrailleTranslator)super._withHyphenator(hyphenator),
1507 				translator);
1508 			LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider.this.rememberId(t);
1509 			return t;
1510 		}
1512 		@Override
1513 		public LiblouisTable asLiblouisTable() {
1514 			return translator.asLiblouisTable();
1515 		}
1517 		@Override
1518 		public FromTypeformedTextToBraille fromTypeformedTextToBraille() {
1519 			return translator.fromTypeformedTextToBraille();
1520 		}
1521 	}
1523 	private interface FullHyphenator extends Hyphenator.FullHyphenator {
1524 		public byte[] hyphenate(String text, Locale language);
1525 	}
1527 	/**
1528 	  * Hyphenator that add a zero-width space after hard hyphens ("-" followed and preceded
1529 	  * by a letter or number)
1530 	  */
1531 	private final static FullHyphenator compoundWordHyphenator = new CompoundWordHyphenator();
1533 	private static class CompoundWordHyphenator extends NoHyphenator implements FullHyphenator {
1535 		public byte[] hyphenate(String text, Locale language) {
1536 			if (text.isEmpty())
1537 				return null;
1538 			Tuple2<String,byte[]> t = extractHyphens(text, true, SHY, ZWSP);
1539 			if (t._1.isEmpty())
1540 				return null;
1541 			return transform(t._2, t._1, language);
1542 		}
1543 	}
1545 	private static class HyphenatorAsFullHyphenator implements FullHyphenator {
1547 		private final Hyphenator.FullHyphenator hyphenator;
1549 		private HyphenatorAsFullHyphenator(Hyphenator hyphenator) {
1550 			this.hyphenator = hyphenator.asFullHyphenator();
1551 		}
1553 		public java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> transform(java.lang.Iterable<CSSStyledText> text) {
1554 			return hyphenator.transform(text);
1555 		}
1557 		private final static SimpleInlineStyle HYPHENS_AUTO = new SimpleInlineStyle("hyphens: auto");
1559 		public byte[] hyphenate(String text, Locale language) {
1560 			return extractHyphens(
1561 				hyphenator.transform(singleton(new CSSStyledText(text, HYPHENS_AUTO, language))).iterator().next().getText(),
1562 				true, SHY, ZWSP)._2;
1563 		}
1564 	}
1566 	/**
1567 	 * @param style An inline CSS style
1568 	 * @return the corresponding Typeform object.
1569 	 * @see <a href="http://liblouis.googlecode.com/svn/documentation/liblouis.html#lou_translateString">lou_translateString</a>
1570 	 */
1571 	protected static Typeform typeformFromInlineCSS(SimpleInlineStyle style, Translator table, Map<String,Typeform> supportedTypeforms) {
1572 		Typeform typeform = Typeform.PLAIN_TEXT;
1573 		for (String prop : style.getPropertyNames()) {
1574 			if (prop.equals("font-style")) {
1575 				CSSProperty value = style.getProperty(prop);
1576 				if (value == FontStyle.ITALIC || value == FontStyle.OBLIQUE) {
1577 					Typeform t = supportedTypeforms.get("italic");
1578 					if (t != null)
1579 						typeform = typeform.add(t);
1580 					else
1581 						logger.warn("{}: {} not supported: emphclass 'italic' not defined in table {}",
1582 						            prop, style.get(prop),
1583 						            table.getTable());
1584 					style.removeProperty(prop);
1585 					continue; }}
1586 			else if (prop.equals("font-weight")) {
1587 				CSSProperty value = style.getProperty(prop);
1588 				if (value == FontWeight.BOLD) {
1589 					Typeform t = supportedTypeforms.get("bold");
1590 					if (t != null)
1591 						typeform = typeform.add(t);
1592 					else
1593 						logger.warn("{}: {} not supported: emphclass 'bold' not defined in table {}",
1594 						            prop, style.get(prop),
1595 						            table.getTable());
1596 					style.removeProperty(prop);
1597 					continue; }}
1598 			else if (prop.equals("text-decoration")) {
1599 				CSSProperty value = style.getProperty(prop);
1600 				if (value == TextDecoration.UNDERLINE) {
1601 					Typeform t = supportedTypeforms.get("underline");
1602 					if (t != null)
1603 						typeform = typeform.add(t);
1604 					else
1605 						logger.warn("{}: {} not supported: emphclass 'underline' not defined in table {}",
1606 						            prop, style.get(prop),
1607 						            table.getTable());
1608 					style.removeProperty(prop);
1609 					continue; }}}
1610 		return typeform;
1611 	}
1613 	/**
1614 	 * @param text The text to be transformed.
1615 	 * @param textTransform A text-transform value as a space separated list of keywords.
1616 	 * @return the transformed text, or the original text if no transformations were performed.
1617 	 */
1618 	protected static String textFromTextTransform(String text, TermList textTransform) {
1619 		for (Term<?> t : textTransform) {
1620 			String tt = ((TermIdent)t).getValue();
1621 			if (tt.equals("uppercase"))
1622 				text = text.toUpperCase();
1623 			else if (tt.equals("lowercase"))
1624 				text = text.toLowerCase();
1625 			else if (!LOUIS_TEXT_TRANSFORM.matcher(tt).matches())
1626 				logger.warn("text-transform: {} not supported", tt);
1627 		}
1628 		return text;
1629 	}
1631 	/**
1632 	 * @param textTransform A text-transform value as a space separated list of keywords.
1633 	 * @return the corresponding Typeform object. Recognized values are:
1634 	 * * -louis-italic
1635 	 * * -louis-underline
1636 	 * * -louis-bold
1637 	 * * -louis-computer
1638 	 * * -louis-...
1639 	 * These values can be added for multiple emphasis.
1640 	 * @see <a href="http://liblouis.googlecode.com/svn/documentation/liblouis.html#lou_translateString">lou_translateString</a>
1641 	 */
1642 	protected static Typeform typeformFromTextTransform(TermList textTransform, Translator table, Map<String,Typeform> supportedTypeforms) {
1643 		Typeform typeform = Typeform.PLAIN_TEXT;
1644 		for (Term<?> t : textTransform) {
1645 			String tt = ((TermIdent)t).getValue();
1646 			Matcher m = LOUIS_TEXT_TRANSFORM.matcher(tt);
1647 			if (m.matches()) {
1648 				String emphClass = m.group("class");
1649 				if (emphClass.equals("computer") || emphClass.equals("comp")) {
1650 					typeform = typeform.add(Typeform.COMPUTER);
1651 				} else {
1652 					if (emphClass.equals("ital"))
1653 						emphClass= "italic";
1654 					else if (emphClass.equals("under"))
1655 						emphClass = "underline";
1656 					Typeform tf = supportedTypeforms.get(emphClass);
1657 					if (tf != null)
1658 						typeform = typeform.add(tf);
1659 					else
1660 						logger.warn("text-transform: {} not supported: emphclass '{}' not defined in table {}",
1661 						            tt,
1662 						            emphClass,
1663 						            table.getTable());
1664 				}
1665 				continue;
1666 			} else if (tt.equals("uppercase") || tt.equals("lowercase")) {
1667 				// handled in textFromTextTransform
1668 				continue;
1669 			}
1670 			logger.warn("text-transform: {} not supported", tt);
1671 		}
1672 		return typeform;
1673 	}
1675 	private final static Pattern LOUIS_TEXT_TRANSFORM = Pattern.compile("^-?(lib)?louis-(?<class>.+)$");
1677 	@SuppressWarnings("unused")
1678 	private static int mod(int a, int n) {
1679 		int result = a % n;
1680 		if (result < 0)
1681 			result += n;
1682 		return result;
1683 	}
1685 	private static int lengthByCodePoints(String s) {
1686 		return s.codePointCount(0, s.length());
1687 	}
1689 	private static String substringByCodePoints(String s, int beginIndex) {
1690 		return s.substring(s.offsetByCodePoints(0, beginIndex));
1691 	}
1693 	private static String substringByCodePoints(String s, int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
1694 		return s.substring(s.offsetByCodePoints(0, beginIndex), s.offsetByCodePoints(0, endIndex));
1695 	}
1697 	private static class LineBreakSolution {
1698 		String line;
1699 		String replacementWord;
1700 		String lineInBraille;
1701 		int lineInBrailleLength;
1702 	}
1704 	private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LiblouisTranslatorJnaImplProvider.class);
1706 }