# liblouis: Afrikaans Braille Code (Grade 2)
# -----------
#-name: Afrikaans verkort
#-index-name: Afrikaans, contracted
#-display-name: Afrikaans contracted braille
# "UBC" stands for "Unified Braille Code" and is a generalization of UEB.
# See https://sabrailleauthority.org.za/unified-braille-code-ubc.
# ------------
# Afrikaans is one of the 11 official languages in South Africa and is
# among the top 3 most widely spoken local languages. It is a language
# closely related to Dutch and uses the same alphabet, but in addition
# it makes frequent use of the following diacritic marks on vowels:
# acute and grave accent, circumflex and umlaut.
# The first braille system for Afrikaans was developed in about
# 1935. After the adoption of the UEB in 2004 in Toronto, Canada, we
# also unified the Afrikaans braille code according to the principles
# of the UEB. The grade 1 code is identical to grade 1 UEB. Grade 2
# has 183 contractions. Each letter of the alphabet except the letter
# u (which is a word on its own) represents a contraction in grade
# 2. As with UEB, we eliminated the contractions which could cause
# ambiguity. In one respect Afrikaans braille is simpler than UEB, but
# in another respect it is more complex: It is simpler in that it does
# not have the complexity around shortforms found in UEB grade 2. It
# is more complex because of linguistic reasons. In Afrikaans compound
# words are frequently created on the fly and this can cause
# contraction issues at word boundaries.
# We do not use additional codes such as Nemeth or computer braille
# codes; we use our unified Afrikaans code also for technical
# material.
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Greg Kearney <gkearney@gmail.com>
#  Copyright (C) 2019-2021 South African Braille Authority <http://www.sabrailleauthority.org.za>
#  This file is part of liblouis.
#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#  Maintained by Christo de Klerk <cjdk@mweb.co.za>

# Begin entries

# Some sign definitions which might otherwise conflict with Afrikaans contractions:
sign \x00b0 56-45-245 °
sign \x00a7 56-45-234 § section
sign \x2122 56-45-2345 ™
sign \x25cb 56-1246-123456 ○   circle

include afr-za-g1.ctb
include IPA-unicode-range.uti

multind 56-6 nocontractsign capsletter

seqdelimiter -—
seqdelimiter ‐   \x2010
seqdelimiter ‑   \x2011
seqdelimiter –   \x2013
seqdelimiter —   \x2014
seqbeforechars ([{"“'‘
seqafterchars  )]}"”'’.,;:.!?…

noback correct "’" "'"
noback correct "ʼn" "'n"

attribute 1 AEIOUYÊËaeiouyêë vowels
attribute 2 BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz consonants
attribute 3 +=*,.;:?!"'“”‘’  punctuation with only lower dots (except hyphens)

# Shape symbols require a grade 1 indicator (Section 3.22.1)
contraction \x25a0 ■ filled (solid) square
contraction \x25a1 □ square
contraction \x25a7 ▧ shaded square (upper left to lower right)
contraction \x25b2 ▲ filled (solid) (equilateral) triangle
contraction \x25b3 △ regular (equilateral) triangle
contraction \x25cb ○ circle
contraction \x25cd ◍ shaded circle

# match expressions

noback match %[^_] . %[^_#l] 56-256

noback match %2 ai ER|er 1-24
noback match - al E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|END|end|ER%[^_.]|er%[^_.]|EREG|ereg|ERS|ers|I%[^_.]|i%[^_.]|IAS|ias|IES|ies|IG|ig|ING|ing|IË|ië 1-123
noback match %a al AAT|aat|AT|at|IE|ie 1-123
noback match kr al E|e 1-123
noback match - an E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|ER%[^_.]|er%[^_.]|ERS|ers|IAK|iak|IES|ies|IG|ig|IK[AU]|ik[au]|US|us 1-1345
noback match %[^_.](MEL|mel|Mel|[DdFfMm]) anie %[^_.] 1-1345-1456

noback match - be FF|ff|KK|kk|KM|km|LL|ll|SS|ss|TT|tt|T%[^_.]|t%[^_.]|NE%[^_.]|ne%[^_.]|SIE%[^_.]|sie%[^_.]|SIES|sies|SIG%[^_.]|sig%[^_.]|SIG!T|sig!t|SWIL|swil|TE%[^_.]|te%[^_.]|TENH|tenh|TH|th 12-15
noback match %[^_.] be %2%[^_.]|[Ll]%2 12-15
noback match [dfghjklnprst] be [Ll]%[^_.]|[Ll]%2 12-15
noback match - bed %[^_.]|E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|EL%[^_.]|el%[^_.]|ELA|ela|ELT|elt|EV|ev|[BDFGHJKLMNPSTVbdfghjklmnpstv] 12-15-145
noback match - bek %[^_.]|AF|af|ER|er|[Kk] 12-15-13
noback match - ben %[^_.]|%2 12-26
noback match - beo fi|lo|gr 12-15
noback match %a ber IES|ies|ING|ing|IË|ië 12-15-1235
noback match - ber %[^_.]|AAL|aal|ALE|ale|ALES|ales|ALIS|alis|![AEIOUYaeiouy] 12-12456
noback match - besig h 12-15-234-24-1245
noback match - best E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|ES|es 12-15-34
noback match - betal e|ing 23-2345-1-123
noback match - bew e%[^_.]|end|erasie|erig 12-15-2456
noback match - binne %[^_.]|N!S|n!s|[AaBbDdFfGgHhJjKkLlMmOoPpRrSsTtVvWw] 12-35-1345-15

noback match - dag END|end|ER|er|ING|ing|IO|io 145-1-1245
noback match %[^_.] dan IEL|iel|IËL|iël 145-1-1345
noback match - dani G|g 145-1-1345-24
noback match - dat ARIS|aris|EER|eer|ERING|ering|EUR|eur 456-2346
noback match - dat %1 145-1-2345
noback match - de REG|reg 145-15
noback match - die U|u 145-24-15
noback match AR|ar der END|end|ING|ing 145-15-1235
noback match - disk - 145-24-16

noback match %[^_.] ek '[SsTt] 15-13
noback match WES|wes en [Ee]%[^_.]|ES%[^_.]|es%[^_.] 26
noback match [BbMmSs] en [Ee]%[^_.]|ES%[^_.]|es%[^_.] 15-1345
noback match %a en AME|ame|AAM|aam|ESTE|este|IG|ig|OMMER|ommer 15-1345
noback match %[^_.] en E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|ERS|ers|ETJIE|etjie|IG|ig 15-1345
noback match [Ss] en ING|ing|[Uu] 15-1345
noback match [LlMm] en ER%[^_.]|er%[^_.]|ER!G|er!g|IG|ig|ING|ing 15-1345
noback match %2 enag %[^_.]|TE|te 15-1345-1-1245
noback match %a eni GEND|gend|GING|ging 15-1345-24
noback match %2 er EEKS|eeks 15-1235
noback match %a er EKENING|ekening|EKENA|ekena|EKENM|ekenm|ANGS|angs|OK%[^_.]|ok%[^_.]|OKK|okk|ESERW|eserw|OOS|oos|OSE|ose 15-1235
noback match %[^_.] era %[^_.]|S%[^_.]|s%[^_.] 15-1235-1
noback match ALLOK|allok|FISK|fisk|ID|id|IN|in|ION|ion|IT|it|L|l|MK|mk|PARK|park|R|r|REG|reg|RN|rn|SED|sed|SKAND|skand|SOEN|soen|TRAST|trast|V|v|%2U|%2u er END|end|ING|ing 15-1235
noback match SM|sm er END|end|IG|ig|ING|ing 15-1235
noback match UM|um er IES|ies|ING|ing 15-1235
noback match %a erisiko - 15-1235-24-234-24-13-135

noback match - ge MM|mm|NIA|nia|SPE%[^_.]|spe%[^_.]|SPES%[^_.]|spes%[^_.]|TE%[^_.]|te%[^_.]|TIES|ties|WEL%[^_.]|wel%[^_.]|WELS|wels|WER%[^_.]|wer%[^_.]|WERS%[^_.]|wers%[^_.] 1245-15
noback match %[^_.] ge NE%[^_.]|ne%[^_.]|NER%[^_.]|ner%[^_.] 1245-15
noback match OE|oe|[DdGgSsTt] ge WEND|wend|WING|wing 1245-15
noback match BE|be ge REND|rend|RIG|rig 1245-15
noback match - ge WE%[^_.]|we%[^_.]|WENE|wene|WER%[^_.]|wer%[^_.]WING|wing 1245-15
noback match - gek %[^_.]|[HhKkSs] 1245-15-13
noback match REN|ren gel [Dd] 123456-123
noback match - gel D%[^_.]|d%[^_.]|DE%[^_.]|de%[^_.]|DELIK|delik|DEND|dend|DER|der|DIG|dig|DING|ding|DJIE|djie|DEENH|deenh|DOOR|door|DWAARD|dwaard|DWESE|dwese|[Dd][BbDdFfGgHhJjKkLlMmNnPpSsTtVv]|E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|ER%[^_.]|er%[^_.]|LING|ling 1245-15-123
noback match - gen %[^_.]|%2 1245-26
noback match %a ger IË|ië 1245-15-1235
noback match LE|le|NE|ne ger END|end|ING|ing 1245-15-1235
noback match - ger %[^_.]|%2 1245-12456
noback match DRIN|drin|G|g|HON|hon ger IG|ig 1245-12456
noback match %[^_.] gewel DAK|dak|[BbGgHhJjKkLlMmNnPpRrSsTtVv] 1245-15-2456-15-123
noback match UIT|uit gewer [SsYy] 1245-15-2456-12456
noback match - gron E|d 1245-1235-25

noback match - hal end|er|ing 125-1-123
noback match - her E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|EREG|ereg|ETJIE|etjie 125-15-1235

noback match - kamper END|end|ING|ing 13-1-134-1234-15-1235
noback match %[^_.] kana %[^_.] 13-1-1345-1
noback match %[^_.]|[FfGgMmTt]|IN|in ker END|end|ING|ing 13-15-1235
noback match - kom EDI|edi 5-13
noback match - kom [Aa]%[^_.]|AS%[^_.]|as%[^_.]|E|e|IE|ie|ING|ing 13-135-134


noback match - man e%[^_.]|end|ing 134-1-1345
noback match KAL|kal mer END|end|ING|ing 134-15-1235
noback match %[^_.]|ND|nd mer E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|EN|en 134-15-1235
noback match - met E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|END|end|ER|er|ING|ing|REKK|rekk 134-15-2345

noback match %a of AKT|akt|IES%[^_.]|ies%[^_.]|IESE|iese|OON|oon|ONE|one 135-124
noback match GEL|gel|H|h|KL|kl|%[^_.]R|%[^_.]r|ST|st ofie - 135-124-1456
noback match DISTR|distr|PR|pr of EET|eet|ES|es|ET|et|IE|ie 12356
noback match %a on E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|ES%[^_.]|es%[^_.]|END|end|IES|ies|IG|ig|IUM|ium|ER%[^_.]|er%[^_.]|ERS|ers|ING%[^_.]|ing%[^_.]|ING%2|ing%2 135-1345
noback match SEREM|serem on IE%[^_.]|ie%[^_.]|IE%2|ie%2 135-1345
noback match - on AAl|aal|ALE|ale|EEL|eel|ELE|ele|ÊR|êr 25
noback match %[^_.] outon [Oo] 1256-2345-25


noback match - reklame %2 1235-15-13-123-1-134-15

noback match - self OON|oon|(ONE|one)%[^_.] 234-15-123-124
noback match %a ser end|ing 234-15-1235
noback match [AaIi] sien - 234-1456-1345
noback match [AaIi] sienet - 234-1456-45-1345
noback match arbeid sk - 234-13
noback match %a sk AART|aart|AMP|amp|ANAAL|anaal|ANALE|anale|APTEIN|aptein 234-13
noback match %a sk AJ|aj|AMER|amer|ANT|ant|APASI|apasi|ARTEL|artel|AS|as|ATALO|atalo|ELK|elk|EUS|eus|ETT|ett|N|n|OEL|oel 234-13
noback match %a sk ANSEL|ansel|ANTO|anto|EURIG|eurig|IND%[^_.]|ind%[^_.]|INDERS|inders|NEG|neg|NOOP|noop|NOPE|nope|OEK|oek|OEP|oep|OER|oer|OETS|oets|OFFER|offer|OFFIE|offie|OLOM|olom|OOPK|oopk|ORPS|orps|ORREL|orrel 234-13
noback match %a sk ODE|ode|OERS|oers|OLL|oll|OLONI|oloni|ONF|onf|ONS|ons|ONT|ont|OOR%[^_.]|oor%[^_.]|ORPOR|orpor|ORTING|orting|OS|os|RAAN|raan|RANE|rane|RAFF|raff|RAG%[^_.]|rag%[^_.]|RAGTE|ragte|RAGTIG|ragtig|REDIT|redit|RING|ring|RISIS|risis|ROEG|roeg|RUI|rui|RYT|ryt|UIKEN|uiken|UIP|uip|UNS|uns|W|w 234-13
noback match DE|de|WI|wi skund [EeIi] 16-136-1345-145
noback match %2 sk [Rr][Ee][Ee][Tt]%[^_.]|[Rr][Ee][Tt][Ee]%[^_.]|(US|us)%[^_.] 234-13
noback match FER|fer|ROT|rot|VI|vi sk UIL|uil 234-13
noback match %a skler A|a|E 234-13-123-12456
noback match %a skom [BbPpSs] 234-5-13
noback match %a skry [GgTt] 234-5-13456
noback match %a st AAK|aak|AAL|aal|AFEL|afel|AK%[^_.]|ak%[^_.]|AKK|akk|ALIG|alig|ARIE[FW]|arie[fw]|AS%[^_.]|as%[^_.]|ASS|ass|EGN|egn|EKEN|eken|EMPER|emper|EMPO|empo|ENNIS|ennis|ERREIN|errein|ESOU|esou|ITEL|itel|J|j|ONEEL|oneel|ONELE|onele|ORING|oring|RANS|rans|RANT|rant|REIN|rein|ROEP|roep|ROTS|rots|RUST|rust|AKTI|akti|ALENT|alent|EMA%[^_.]|ema%[^_.]|EMAS%[^_.]|emas%[^_.]|ENTOON|entoon|OGA%[^_.]|oga%[^_.]|OGAS|ogas|RUI%[^_.]|rui%[^_.]|RUIE|ruie|UIN|uin|W|w|YE%[^_.]|ye%[^_.] 234-2345
noback match ARBEID|arbeid st AND|and 34
noback match KIE|kie st AND|and 234-2345
noback match BO|bo|BOSSIE|bossie st EE|ee 234-2345
noback match !(%[^_.]EK|%[^_.]ek) st RADISI|radisi 234-2345
noback match %a ste AT|at|[Hh]|KORT|kort|OR|or|RAP|rap 234-235
noback match ![aeiou]|%[^_.] stene %[^_.] 34-15-1345-15
noback match %a ster m%[^_.]|me%[^_.]|min|myn 234-2345-12456
noback match %a stoe LAAG|laag|LAE|lae|LAT|lat|NA|na|R|r|TS|ts|[BDGJKSVbdgjksv] 234-2345-246
noback match - streng ER|er 34-1235-26-1245

noback match - te [Ïï] 235
noback match AP|ap te KE%[^_.]|ke%[^_.]|KER|ker 2345-15
noback match - te GIES|gies|GN|gn|GRIT|grit|KK|kk|KS|ks|KT|kt|LLEND|llend|LLER|ller|LLING|lling|M%[^_.]|m%[^_.]|MB|mb|MM|mm|MP|mp|RIES|ries|SE%[^_.]|se%[^_.]|SES|ses|STAAT|staat|STATE|state|TIES|ties 2345-15
noback match KWIN|kwin te LE|le|SSENS|ssens|T|t 2345-15
noback match %[^_.]|ON|on te LBA|lba 2345-15
noback match %[^_.] te LG|lg 2345-15
noback match MON|mon|NO|no|TRAK|trak te RE|re|RI|ri 2345-15
noback match - tea %[^_.]|S|s|TER|ter|TR|tr 235-1
noback match %[^_.]|%[^_.]VER|%[^_.]ver teder - 2345-15-145-12456
noback match - teken %[^_.]|END|end|ING|ing|[DFGHJKLMPRSTVWdfghjklmprstvw] 2345-15-13-26
noback match %a tele %[^_.] 2345-15-123-15
noback match - tema %[^_.]|S|s 2345-15-134-1
noback match %[^_.] tema - 2345-15-134-1
noback match - ten %[^_.]|aar|are|ENT|ent|nn|![aeiou] 2345-26
noback match - ter %[^_.]|![AEIOUaeiou] 2345-12456
noback match NUG|nug|T|t|WA|wa ter E%[^_.]|e%[^_.]|END|end|ING|ing 2345-12456
noback match I|i|ON|on|REPE|repe|SELEK|selek|SPEK|spek|U|u|VER|ver ter END|end|ING|ing 2345-15-1235
noback match ma ter i[aeë] 2345-12456
noback match %a ter IG|ig 2345-12456
noback match %a teria %[^_.]|W|w 2345-15-1235-24-1
noback match - tog A%[^_.]|a%[^_.]|AS|as|AAM|aam|AME|ame|AMIE|maie|ER|er|ING|ing|RAAF|raaf|RAFEER|rafeer|RAFI|rafi|RAWE|rawe 2345-135-1245
noback match - tt ERA|era 2345-2345

noback match - vaste ![AEIOUaeiou]|%[^_.] 1236-1-34-15
noback match %[^_.] vere [BbGgHhJjKkLlMmPpSsTtVv] 1236-15-1235-15

noback match - waarder EN|en|ING|ing 2456-2-1235-145-15-1235
noback match - was EMMER|emmer 346
noback match %[^_.] was EM|em|IG|ig 2456-1-234
noback match BE|be|GE|ge|%2 wer E|e|ING|ing 2456-15-1235

# Low words
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] deur %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 256
lowword deur 256
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] en %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 26
noback match !%3 en !%3 26
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] te %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 235
lowword te 235
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] se %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 2356
lowword se 2356
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] hier %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 236
lowword hier 236
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] in %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 35
noback match !%3 in !%3 35
match %[^_]|%[^_~]%<*[([{] by %[^_]|[)}\\]]%>*%[^_~] 356
lowword by 356

#  Alphabet contractions (alone standing):

word as 1
word baie 12
word sal 14
word dan 145
word ek 15
word om 124
word geen 1245
word hy 125
word is 24
word jy 245
word kan 13
word liefde 123
word my 134
word nie 1345
word ook 135
word plek 1234
word ons 12345
word reeds 1235
word so 234
word tot 2345
word van 1236
word wil 2456
word het 1346
word sy 13456
word 'n 1356

# Alone-standing word sign contractions
word ander 12346
word want 123456
word eindelik 146
word iets 1456
word een 156
word erken 12456
word of 12356
word wat 246
word stil 34

# Apostrophe followed by a letter at the end of words
endword 's 3-234
endword 't 3-2345

# Higher group sign contractions not alone-standing
partword an 12346
partword ge 123456
partword of 12356
always die 2346
always met 23456
always sk 16
always aan 126
partword ei 146
partword ie 1456
always ee 156
always al 1246
always er 12456
always ou 1256
partword oe 246
always st 34
always was 346
always ui 345

# Lower sign group letter contractions
midword aa 2
begmidword be 23
begmidword on 25
begword deur 256
nofor always en 26
partword en 26
begmidword te 235
midword oo 2356
partword in 35
nofor always in 35
begmidword by 356

# Dot 5 contractions
always dag 5-145
always familie 5-124
always goeie 5-1245
always hul 5-125
always jul 5-245
always kom 5-13
always lewe 5-123
always moet 5-134
always nooit 5-1345
always onder 5-135
always party 5-1234
always reg 5-1235
always sien 5-234
always tyd 5-2345
always uur 5-136
always vol 5-1236
always werk 5-2456
always kry 5-13456
always nog 5-1356
always antwoord 5-12346
always wanneer 5-123456
always dieselfde 5-2346
always iemand 5-1456

# Dot 45 contractions
always doen 45-145
always graag 45-1245
always hulle 45-125
always julle 45-245
always net 45-1345
always self 45-234
always tussen 45-2345
always vir 45-1236
always woord 45-2456
always dit 45-2346

# Dot 456 contractions
always darem 456-145
always hard 456-125
always koning 456-13
always mens 456-134
always nuwe 456-1345
always oor 456-135
always praat 456-1234
always seker 456-234
always tog 456-2345
always voor 456-1236
always weer 456-2456
always dat 456-2346

# Dot 46 contractions
midendword heid 46-145
always tjie 46-15
midendword agtig 46-1245
midendword djie 46-1456

# Dot 56 contractions
midendword lik 56-13

# Words indicated by two or more signs
word alhoewel 1246-125-2456
word alles 1246-123
word almal 1246-134
word alreeds 1246-1235
word begin 23-1245
word behoort 23-125
word besluit 23-234-123
contraction BRL
contraction brl
word braille 12-1235-123
contraction BR
contraction br
word brief 12-1235
contraction DR
contraction dr
word daar 145-1235
word daardie 145-2346
word daarin 145-1235-35
contraction DN
contraction dn
word daarna 145-1345
contraction DM
contraction dm
word daarom 145-134
contraction DP
contraction dp
word daarop 145-1234
contraction DV
contraction dv
word daarvan 145-1236
word daarvoor 145-456-1236
word dadelik 145-56-13
contraction DW
contraction dw
word dikwels 145-2456
contraction DK
contraction dk
word duidelik 145-13
word gebruik 123456-12
word gedurende 123456-145
word gemaak 123456-134-13
word genoeg 123456-1345
word gewees 123456-2456-234
word geweet 123456-2456-2345
word geword 123456-2456-145
contraction GD
contraction gd
word goed 1245-145
contraction GRT
contraction grt
word groot 1245-1235-2345
word grootste 1245-1235-2345-34-15
contraction HR
contraction hr
word haar 125-1235
contraction HLT
contraction hlt
word heeltemal 125-123-2345
word hierdie 125-2346
contraction HW
contraction hw
word hoewel 125-2456
contraction HM
contraction hm
word hom 125-134
contraction JR
contraction jr
word jaar 245-1235
contraction KD
contraction kd
word kind 13-145
contraction KDS
contraction kds
word kinders 13-145-234
contraction KT
contraction kt
word kort 13-2345
contraction LT
contraction lt
word laat 123-2345
contraction MK
contraction mk
word maak 134-13
contraction MR
contraction mr
word maar 134-1235
word miskien 134-16
contraction MTK
contraction mtk
word moontlik 134-2345-13
contraction NTK
contraction ntk
word natuurlik 1345-2345-13
contraction MD
contraction md
word omdat 134-145
word omstandighede 135-134-34-145-15
contraction OMT
contraction omt
word omtrent 135-134-2345
word ontvang 25-2345-1236
contraction PR
contraction pr
word paar 1234-1235
contraction PB
contraction pb
word probeer 1234-12
word skryf 16-1235
word sodat 234-456-2346
contraction SS
contraction ss
word soos 234-234
contraction TN
contraction tn
word teen 2345-1345
contraction TW
contraction tw
word terwyl 2345-2456
word totdat 2345-456-2346
contraction VD
contraction vd
word vandag 1236-145
contraction WR
contraction wr
word waar 2456-1235
word waarheid 2456-1235-46-145
word waarin 2456-1235-35
contraction WM
contraction wm
word waarom 2456-134
contraction WP
contraction wp
word waarop 2456-1234
contraction WV
contraction wv
word waarvan 2456-1236
word waarvoor 2456-456-1236
contraction WS
contraction ws
word wees 2456-234
contraction WT
contraction wt
word weet 2456-2345
contraction WD
contraction wd
word word 2456-145

# Specific rules:

nofor midendword 'tjie 3-46-15
word 'k 3-13
word 's 3-234
word 't 3-2345

contraction a
contraction A
midword aai 2-24
sufword aal =
always aandele 126-145-15-123-15
always aansit 126-234-24-2345
always agter 1-1245-2345-12456
always adres =
always afskort 1-124-16-135-1235-2345
sufword aftel =
endword ala =
always aland 1-123-12346-145
midendword aleryk =
endword ales =
always alik 1-56-13
nofor always alge 1246-123456
always aliter 1-123-24-2345-12456
word almiskie 1246-134-24-16-1456
word amerika =
prfword ana =
midendword anett 1-45-1345-2345
always anger 12346-1245-12456 # aanhanger/bangerig/langer/visvangers/sangeres
always anies 1-1345-1456-234
always anomalie 12346-135-134-1246-1456
always arena =
always argitek 1-1235-1245-24-2345-15-13
begword arter =
begword asbes 1-234-12-15-234
always astrant 1-34-1235-12346-2345
always as't =

contraction b
contraction B
always bafana 12-1-124-12346-1
begword baie =
always bakterie 12-1-13-2345-15-1235-1456
partword bakteri 12-1-13-2345-12456-24
always balie 12-1-123-1456
always bber 12-12-12456
begword beau =
always bedjie 12-15-46-1456
always bee 12-156
always beesk 12-156-234-13
always beginsel 23-1245-35-234-15-123
always begonia 23-1245-135-1345-24-1
always beher 23-125-15-1235
always bei 12-146
always bekering 23-13-15-1235-35-1245
always benedy 12-26-15-145-13456
begword beneri 12-15-1345-12456-24
word bere =
always besem =
always beseten 23-234-15-2345-26
always bestee 23-34-156
always bestek 23-34-15-13
sufword bester 12-15-34-12456
always beter 12-15-2345-12456
always beties 12-15-2345-1456-234
sufword betlehem =
always beu =
always bewing 12-15-2456-35-1245
always blaaskans 12-123-2-234-13-12346-234
always bleskop =
always blomerus =
always boere 12-246-1235-15
always bona =
always bonus =
always boskasie 12-135-16-1-234-1456
always boskop =
begword braille =
always buffet =
always burger 12-136-1235-1245-12456

contraction c
contraction C 
always chloro =
always chronie 14-125-1235-135-1345-1456
always chronol 14-125-1235-25-135-123

contraction d
contraction D
always daar's 145-2-1235-3-234
always denne 145-26-1345-15
always deposito =
always diabetes 145-24-1-12-15-235-234
always diee 145-24-156
always diegene 2346-1245-15-1345-15
always diskoers 145-24-16-246-1235-234
always diskonter 145-24-16-25-2345-15-1235
always doeane 145-246-1-1345-15
always dreiner 145-1235-146-1345-15-1235
always duskant 145-136-16-12346-2345
word dwase =

contraction e
word eerstens 156-1235-34-26-234
begmidword eerste 156-1235-34-15
contraction E
begword ekskl 15-13-16-123
begword engel 26-123456-123
midword enywer 15-1345-13456-2456-12456
sufword ere =
midendword ereg 15-5-1235
endword eryk =
always etienne 15-2345-24-26-1345-15

contraction f
contraction F
midendword feries 124-15-1235-1456-234
always folio =
always folter 124-135-123-2345-12456

contraction g
contraction G
always ganery 1245-1-1345-12456-13456
prfword gebel 123456-12-15-123
always gee 1245-156
always gei 1245-146
always gegewens 123456-1245-15-2456-26-234
always gemenebes 123456-134-15-1345-15-12-15-234
always geofis 123456-135-124-24-234
endword gese =
partword gest 123456-34
always getel 123456-2345-15-123
always getele 123456-235-123-15
always geu =
begword glas =
begword globale =
always gods =
begword gogga =
always grader =
always grimer =
always groeper 1245-1235-246-1234-15-1235
always grotere 1245-1235-135-2345-12456-15
always grys =
always g'n 1245-3-1345

contraction h
contraction H
always hane =
always hanter 125-12346-2345-15-1235
always hare =
always hartstog 125-1-1235-2345-234-456-2345
always hawereg 125-1-2456-15-5-1235
always herenig 125-12456-15-1345-24-1245
always honger 125-25-1245-12456
always hoog 125-2356-1245
always hotel =
always houtskool 125-1256-2345-234-13-2356-123
always huis 125-345-234
always hy's 125-13456-3-234
always hy't 125-13456-3-2345
always h'm 125-3-134

contraction i
contraction I
always iee 24-156
always ieu 24-15-136
always ieui 1456-345
always ingenieur 35-1245-26-24-15-136-1235
always inter 35-2345-12456
always isterie 24-34-15-1235-1456
always item =

contraction j
contraction J
always ja'k 245-1-3-13
sufword jona =
always jonet 245-135-45-1345
always julie 245-136-123-1456
always jy's 245-13456-3-234
always jy't 245-13456-3-2345

contraction k
contraction K
always kabinet 13-1-12-24-45-1345
always kalender 13-1246-26-145-12456
always kalium =
always kameralens 13-1-134-12456-1-123-26-234
always kaner 13-1-1345-12456
always karakter 13-1-1235-1-13-2345-12456
begmidword karoo 13-1-1235-2356
always kasty 13-1-34-13456
begword kenter 13-26-2345-12456
word kere =
always kieue 13-1456-136-15
begword kleinser 13-123-146-1345-234-15-1235
always klere 13-123-15-1235-15
begword klets =
begword koelte 13-246-123-235
always kompanie 5-13-1234-12346-1456
always konink 13-135-1345-35-13
always konstabel 13-25-34-1-23-123
always kosmeties 13-135-234-23456-1456-234
always kriminer 13-1235-24-134-35-15-1235
always kriskras =
always kryk =
always ktabel 13-2345-1-23-123

contraction l
contraction L
word laaskeer 123-2-234-13-156-1235
always laning 123-1-1345-35-1245
always later 123-1-2345-12456
midword likwi 56-13-2456-24
always literat 123-24-2345-12456-1-2345
always lokomo =
always leraar 123-15-1235-2-1235
prfword lere =
always liegery 123-1456-1245-12456-13456
always logaritme =
always lokale =
sufword lone =
begword los =
always louter 123-1256-2345-12456
always luitenan 123-345-2345-26-12346

contraction m
contraction M
always maar's 134-2-1235-3-234
always maaskaas 134-2-234-13-2-234
always magnet =
always makaber 134-1-13-1-12-12456
always maneskyn 134-1-1345-15-16-13456-1345
word maskas 134-1-16-1-234
begword mede =
always mekaartel 134-15-13-2-1235-2345-15-123
word menere 134-26-15-1235-15
always mentering 134-26-2345-15-1235-35-1245
always metjie 134-15-46-15
midword metoe 134-15-2345-246
sufword midderif =
always moedersknie 134-246-145-12456-234-13-1345-1456
always moestas 134-246-34-1-234
always monder 134-25-145-15-1235
begword monet 134-135-45-1345
always môrer 134-45-146-135-1235-15-1235
always motel =

contraction n
contraction N
word nanag =
sufword nasien 1345-1-5-234
word nete =
always neties 1345-15-2345-1456-234
midendword netjie 1345-15-46-15
always nieu 1345-1456-136
word nering 1345-15-1235-35-1245
always nominale 1345-135-134-35-1-123-15

contraction o
contraction O
always oei 246-24
always oeuvre =
always olonie 135-123-135-1345-1456
word ontering 25-2345-15-1235-35-1245
sufword onus =
midendword ooi 2356-24
word ooie =
begword oon =
always oorlogs 456-135-123-135-1245-234
always ooskus =
always opbel =
always optel =
sufword outo 1256-2345-135

contraction p
contraction P
begword perde 1234-12456-145-15
word pere =
sufword ponie 1234-135-1345-1456
always prester 1234-1235-15-34-15-1235
always protest 1234-1235-135-235-34
always protes =
always pryskartel =
always puntener 1234-136-1345-2345-26-15-1235

contraction q
contraction Q
always qu =

contraction r
contraction R
always rebel =
always rebelleer 1235-15-23-123-123-156-1235
always redener 1235-15-145-26-15-1235
always regter 5-1235-2345-12456
always requiem =
always resteren 1235-15-34-15-1235-26
always riskant 1235-24-16-12346-2345
begword roter =
always ruskans 1235-136-234-13-12346-234

contraction s
contraction S
always s'n 234-3-1345
always sameroep 234-1-134-15-1235-246-1234
always salomo =
always samen 234-1-134-26
prfword sere =
sufword serie 234-15-1235-1456
endword serie 234-15-1235-1456
always serum 234-15-1235-136-134
begword ses =
always sestig 234-15-34-24-1245
prfword sfere =
always silwer 234-24-123-2456-12456
always singel 234-35-123456-123
always singery 234-35-1245-12456-13456
always sirene =
always skafee 234-13-1-124-156
always skaker 16-1-13-15-1235
always skapit =
always skater 16-1-2345-12456
midendword skeerkring 234-13-156-1235-13-1235-35-1245
prfword skene 16-15-1345-15
always skl =
endword sklere =
always skomen 234-13-135-134-26 # eerskomende/laaskomende
always skomitee 234-5-13-24-2345-156
always skommis 234-5-13-134-24-234
always skontr 234-13-25-2345-1235
always skoste 234-13-135-34-15                
always skredie 234-13-1235-15-2346
always skrobber 16-1235-135-12-12-15-1235
always skund =
always skursus =
always slanery 234-123-1-1345-12456-13456
always slinger 234-123-35-1245-12456
always somber 234-135-134-12-12456
always sorter =
always sous 234-1256-234
always spinnerak 234-1234-35-1345-15-1235-1-13
midendword stabel =
prfword stanery 34-1-1345-12456-13456
always stereo 34-15-1235-15-135
always stralek 34-1235-1-123-15-13
midword strekk =
always strofe 34-1235-135-124-15
always studer 34-136-145-15-1235
always styd 234-5-2345
begword sub =
begword sugg 234-136-1245-1245
prfword suite =
always surplus =
always sy's 234-13456-3-234
always sy't 234-13456-3-2345

contraction t
contraction T
always tabel =
always tabellar 2345-1-23-123-123-1-1235
always tapisserie 2345-1-1234-24-234-234-12456-1456
always tee 2345-156
always tei 2345-146
endword teke 2345-15-13-15
always teken 2345-15-13-26
word tel =
word teling 2345-15-123-35-1245
begword telk =
midendword tenis 2345-26-24-234
always tepel =
word tere =
always terg 2345-12456-1245
sufword tering 2345-15-1235-35-1245
always terugker 235-1235-136-1245-13-15-1235
word tes =
begword tesour 2345-15-234-1256-1235
begword test 2345-15-34
always teu =
word tewens 2345-15-2456-26-234
always teë =
begword tinger 2345-35-1245-12456
always toonaangew 2345-2356-1345-126-1245-15-2456
always tower 2345-135-2456-12456
always tragedie 2345-1235-1-1245-15-2346

always uiter 345-2345-12456
always uitsteken 345-2345-34-15-13-26

contraction v
contraction V
always vang 1236-12346-1245
endword vange 1236-12346-123456
endword vangeneming 1236-12346-123456-1345-15-134-35-1245
begword vas =
prfword vaster 1236-1-34-12456
prfword vere =
begword vergetel 1236-12456-1245-15-235-123
always vergeten 1236-12456-1245-15-2345-26
always verkenningstog 1236-12456-13-26-1345-35-1245-234-456-2345
always vermetel 1236-12456-134-15-235-123
always vermiste 1236-12456-134-24-34-15
always verskal 1236-12456-234-13-1246
always vertel 1236-12456-2345-15-123
always vester 1236-15-34-15-1235
always veter 1236-15-2345-12456
always vinger 1236-35-1245-12456
always viskop =
always viskuit 1236-24-234-13-345-2345
always visteelt 1236-24-234-2345-156-123-2345
endword vole =
always vomer =
always voornemens 456-1236-1345-15-134-26-234
always vredestog 1236-1235-15-145-15-234-456-2345
always vroue 1236-1235-1256-15
always vrouens 1236-1235-1256-26-234
always vrygewi 1236-1235-13456-1245-15-2456-24

contraction w
contraction W
always waar's 2456-2-1235-3-234
always wassen 346-234-26
always water 2456-1-2345-12456
always wat-s 2456-1-2345-3-234
always wederker 2456-15-145-12456-13-15-1235
always welterge 2456-15-123-2345-12456-123456
always werkgew 5-2456-1245-15-2456
always weskus =
always wins 2456-35-234
always winste 2456-35-34-15
always wysger =

contraction x
contraction X

contraction y
contraction Y
begword yskou 13456-234-13-1256

contraction z
contraction Z
word zero =

always ál =

always óf =

always ëe =
always ëi 45-25-15-24
always ënter =

always ïe 45-25-24-15
always ïnter 45-25-24-1345-2345-12456