# liblouis: Multi Language Coptic Computer Braille table

# Copyright (C) 2020 By Ibraam Nasif, St. Didimous Group  Coptic Bishopric of Youth - Egypt
#  This file is part of liblouis.
#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#-index-name: Coptic, computer 
#-display-name: Coptic computer braille
#-author: Ibraam Nasif <ibraam.wahib@gmail.com>

#+language: cop
#+type: computer
#+dots: 8
#+direction: forward
#-updated: 2020-08-31

# Last updated: August 2020  -  Mesore 1736.

# Coptic language was the native Egyptian language before the Arabic
# conquest, but is now mainly used in the Coptic church liturgy and
# for biblical studies.

## About Coptic Braille:

# The Coptic language is based on the Greek alphabet + eight more
# letters derived from Ancient Egyptian Demotic script. The whole
# alphabet is used as the Coptic/Egyptian alphabet.

# In Braille, we used the standard form of the Greek letters in
# addition to eight newly formed letters specific to the extra eight
# Coptic letters.

# When we started writing the first Coptic transcriber to emboss
# Coptic Braille in 2009 we searched but found no authentic documents.
# Coptic alphabet was merely handed down from one generation of
# Church's cantors to the next. Most probably, it originated during
# the 1930's or before it as some Canters said ... At the time, a
# cantor would write down whatever he needed manually. But there was
# no establishment, ecclesiastical or academic, that printed Coptic in
# Braille.

# The Bishopric of Youth, under the auspices of His Grace, Bishop
# Mousa, of the Coptic Orthodox Church, is an official Coptic
# organization.

# We have developed a Coptic table for transcribing liturgical books
# since 2009, and before that date Coptic was written in Braille
# manually / individually.

# This computer Braille table is to be used with Braille Displays. It
# contains Coptic, Arabic & English. We will add as many more
# languages as we can, to help all Coptic blind people, in any
# nationality, to use Coptic either in church or for study.

include braille-patterns.cti # Unicode braille.

# Spaces 
space \s 0 blank
space \t 0 tab
space \x000A 0
space \x000D 0
space \x0020 0 space
include spaces.uti
include compress.cti

# Coptic
uppercase  \x2C80  17     # Coptic  ⲁ
uppercase  \x2C82  127    # Coptic  ⲃ
uppercase  \x2C84  12457  # Coptic  ⲅ
uppercase  \x2C86  1457   # Coptic  ⲇ
uppercase  \x2C88  157    # Coptic  ⲉ
uppercase  \x2C8A  147    # Coptic  ⲋ
uppercase  \x2C8C  13567  # Coptic  ⲍ
uppercase  \x2C8E  1567   # Coptic  ⲏ
uppercase  \x2C90  14567  # Coptic  ⲑ
uppercase  \x2C92  247    # Coptic  ⲓ
uppercase  \x2C94  137    # Coptic  ⲕ
uppercase  \x2C96  1237   # Coptic  ⲗ
uppercase  \x2C98  1347   # Coptic  ⲙ
uppercase  \x2C9A  13457  # Coptic  ⲛ
uppercase  \x2C9C  13467  # Coptic  ⲝ
uppercase  \x2C9E  1357   # Coptic  ⲟ
uppercase  \x2CA0  12347  # Coptic  ⲡ
uppercase  \x2CA2  12357  # Coptic  ⲣ
uppercase  \x2CA4  2347   # Coptic  ⲥ
uppercase  \x2CA6  23457  # Coptic  ⲧ
uppercase  \x2CA8  1367   # Coptic  ⲩ
uppercase  \x2CAA  1247   # Coptic  ⲫ
uppercase  \x2CAC  123467 # Coptic  ⲭ
uppercase  \x2CAE  134567 # Coptic  ⲯ
uppercase  \x2CB0  24567  # Coptic  ⲱ
uppercase  \x03E2  1467   # Coptic  ϣ
uppercase  \x03E4  12367  # Coptic  ϥ
uppercase  \x03E6  1267   # Coptic  ϧ
uppercase  \x03E8  1257   # Coptic  ϩ
uppercase  \x03EA  2457   # Coptic  ϫ
uppercase  \x03EC  3467   # Coptic  ϭ
uppercase  \x03EE  12467  # Coptic  ϯ
lowercase  \x2C81  1      # Coptic  ⲁ
lowercase  \x2C83  12     # Coptic  ⲃ
lowercase  \x2C85  1245   # Coptic  ⲅ
lowercase  \x2C87  145    # Coptic  ⲇ
lowercase  \x2C89  15     # Coptic  ⲉ
lowercase  \x2C8B  14     # Coptic  ⲋ
lowercase  \x2C8D  1356   # Coptic  ⲍ
lowercase  \x2C8F  156    # Coptic  ⲏ
lowercase  \x2C91  1456   # Coptic  ⲑ
lowercase  \x2C93  24     # Coptic  ⲓ
lowercase  \x2C95  13     # Coptic  ⲕ
lowercase  \x2C97  123    # Coptic  ⲗ
lowercase  \x2C99  134    # Coptic  ⲙ
lowercase  \x2C9B  1345   # Coptic  ⲛ
lowercase  \x2C9D  1346   # Coptic  ⲝ
lowercase  \x2C9F  135    # Coptic  ⲟ
lowercase  \x2CA1  1234   # Coptic  ⲡ
lowercase  \x2CA3  1235   # Coptic  ⲣ
lowercase  \x2CA5  234    # Coptic  ⲥ
lowercase  \x2CA7  2345   # Coptic  ⲧ
lowercase  \x2CA9  136    # Coptic  ⲩ
lowercase  \x2CAB  124    # Coptic  ⲫ
lowercase  \x2CAD  12346  # Coptic  ⲭ
lowercase  \x2CAF  13456  # Coptic  ⲯ
lowercase  \x2CB1  2456   # Coptic  ⲱ
lowercase  \x03E3  146    # Coptic  ϣ
lowercase  \x03E5  1236   # Coptic  ϥ
lowercase  \x03E7  126    # Coptic  ϧ
lowercase  \x03E9  125    # Coptic  ϩ
lowercase  \x03EB  245    # Coptic  ϫ
lowercase  \x03ED  346    # Coptic  ϭ
lowercase  \x03EF  1246   # Coptic  ϯ

# Coptic Diagritics
sign  \x0300  12345    # Coptic  ̀
sign  \x0304  56    # Coptic  ̄
sign  \x0305  56    # Coptic  ̅

#swap: the following to correct Coptic Diagritics   symbol, which should be written before the character in braille 
attribute CopLtr ⲁⲀⲃⲂⲅⲄⲇⲆⲉⲈⲋⲊⲍⲌⲏⲎⲑⲐⲓⲒⲕⲔⲗⲖⲙⲘⲛⲚⲝⲜⲟⲞⲡⲠⲣⲢⲥⲤⲧⲦⲩⲨⲫⲪⲭⲬⲯⲮⲱⲰϣϢϥϤϧϦϩϨϫϪϭϬϯϮ
noback context [%CopLtr]"\x0300" @12345*
noback context [%CopLtr]"\x0304" @56*
noback context [%CopLtr]"\x0305" @56*

# adding latin letters & numerals
include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
include digits8Dots.uti

# Arabic Letters 
letter \x0627 1    # ا
letter \x0628 12    # ب
letter \x062A 2345    # ت
letter \x062B 1456    # ث
letter \x062C 245    # ج
letter \x062D 156    # ح
letter \x062E 1346    # خ
letter \x062F 145    # د
letter \x0630 2346    # ذ
letter \x0631 1235    # ر
letter \x0632 1356    # ز
letter \x0633 234    # س
letter \x0634 146    # ش
letter \x0635 12346    # ص
letter \x0636 1246    # ض
letter \x0637 23456    # ط
letter \x0638 123456    # ظ
letter \x0639 12356    # ع
letter \x063A 126    # غ
letter \x0641 124    # ف
letter \x0642 12345    # ق
letter \x0643 13    # ك
letter \x0644 123    # ل
letter \x0645 134    # م
letter \x0646 1345    # ن
letter \x0647 125    # ه
letter \x0648 2456    # و
letter \x064A 24    # ي
letter \x0649 135    # ى
always \x0644\x0627 1236    # لا
letter \x0621 3    # ء
letter \x0622 345    # آ
letter \x0623 34    # أ
letter \x0625 46    # إ
letter \x0624 1256    # ؤ
letter \x0626 13456    # ئ
letter \x0629 16    # ة

# Arabic numerals
digit \x0660 2458 # 0 (٠)
digit \x0661 18 # 1 (١)
digit \x0662 128 # 2 (٢)
digit \x0663 148 # 3 (٣)
digit \x0664 1458 # 4 (٤)
digit \x0665 158 # 5 (٥)
digit \x0666 1248 # 6 (٦)
digit \x0667 12458 # 7 (٧)
digit \x0668 1258 # 8 (٨)
digit \x0669 248 # 9 (٩)

# Arabic Punctuations
sign \x0640  5-25    # ـ Arabic Tatweel 
punctuation \x060C 57    # ،  Arabic comma 
punctuation \x061B 567    # ؛  Arabic semiColon
punctuation \x061F 236    # ؟  arabic question mark ؟
punctuation \x06D4 256    # ۔  Arabic Full stop

# General punctuations 
punctuation \x003B 567    # ;
punctuation \x003A 257    # :
punctuation \x003F 236    # ?
punctuation \x002E 256    # .
punctuation \x002C 27    # ,
punctuation \x0021 235    # !
punctuation \x0022  2356    # " 
sign \x0023 3456    # #
punctuation \x0029 3568    # )
punctuation \x0028 2367    # (
sign \x002A 358    # *
sign \x0040 47    # @
punctuation \x2018 378    # ‘
punctuation \x2019 678    # ’
punctuation \x005B 123567    # [
punctuation \x005D 234568    # ]
sign \x005F 4567    # _
sign \x0060 34578    # `
punctuation \x007B 23567    # {
punctuation \x007D 23568    # }
punctuation \x00AB 1234567    # «
punctuation \x00BB 1234568    # »
punctuation \x2018 2356    # ‘
punctuation \x2019 2356    # ’
punctuation \x201C 236    # “
punctuation \x201D 356    # ”
sign \x00BF 236    # ¿
punctuation \x2010 36    # ‐
punctuation \x2011 36    # ‑
punctuation \x00AD 36    # ­
punctuation \x2013  5-36    # –
punctuation \x002D 36    # -
punctuation \x2026 25678    # …

#   ----------   end of table