# Marked as "direction:both" by Bue Vester-Andersen
# as it is a computer Braille table.

#-index-name: French, uncontracted
#-display-name: French uncontracted braille
#-author: Michel Such <michel.such@free.fr>
#-author: André-Abush CLAUSE <dev@andreabc.net>
#-author: Ludovic Oger <oger.ludovic@gmail.com>
#-author: Nicolas Pitre <nico@cam.org>
#-author: The BRLTTY Team <http://brltty.com/>
#-license: LGPLv2.1
#-updated: 2021-02-21

# liblouis: French 6 dots Braille table

# Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2021 André-Abush CLAUSE <dev@andreabc.net>
# Copyright (C) 2017 Michel Such <michel.such@free.fr>
# Copyright (C) 2017 Nicolas Pitre <nico@cam.org>
# Copyright (C) 2016, 2019 Ludovic Oger <oger.ludovic@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 The BRLTTY Team <http://brltty.com/>

#  This file is part of liblouis.
#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#        Référence :
#                Code braille français uniformisé | association Valentin Haüy - Révision 2008
#                http://www.avh.asso.fr/fr/tout-savoir-sur-le-braille/lecriture-braille/code-braille-francais-uniformise
#        Association Valentin Haüy
#                5, rue Duroc 75343 Paris Cedex 07

# Uncontracted French Table
# ---------------------------------

space \t 9 tab    # 9
space \x001B 1b   # escape
space \x00A0 a    # no-break space
include spaces.uti
space \x007f 0

undefined 0

display ¨ 46
display : 25
display " 2356
display ! 235
display - 36
display . 256
display / 34
display * 35
display | 456
display ¸ 456
display ¤ 45
display „ 56
display ^ 4
display \s 0
display @ 345
display ó 346

include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti

punctuation , 2    # virgule
punctuation ; 23   # point-virgule
punctuation : 25   # deux-points
punctuation . 256  # point
punctuation ? 26   # point d'interrogation
punctuation ! 235  # point d'exclamation
punctuation " 2356 # guillemet
punctuation ( 236  # parenthèse ouvrante
punctuation ) 356  # parenthèse fermante
punctuation ' 3    #  apostrophe
punctuation « 2356 # guillemet français ouvrant
punctuation » 2356 # guillemet français fermant
punctuation [ 45-236  # crochet droit ouvrant
comp6 [ 45-236
punctuation ] 356-12        #        crochet droit fermant
comp6 ] 356-12
punctuation { 6-6-236        #        accolade de gauche
punctuation } 356-3-3        #        accolade de droite

lowercase \x00e7  12346 # c cédille (ç)
noback lowercase \x00E6 345 # a e-dans-l’a (æ)
lowercase \x0153    246 # oe liés (Œœ)
lowercase \x00E3 5-26-1                a tilde
noback lowercase \x00f1 12456 # n tilde (ñ)

lowercase \x00e0  12356 # a accent grave (à)
lowercase \x00e8   2346 # e accent grave (è)
lowercase \x00f9  23456 # u accent grave (ù)
noback lowercase \x00ec  34 # i accent grave (ì)
noback lowercase \x00f2 346 # o accent grave (ò)

lowercase \x00e2     16 # a accent circonflexe (â)
lowercase \x00ea    126 # e accent circonflexe (ê)
lowercase \x00ee    146 # i accent circonflexe (î)
lowercase \x00f4   1456 # o accent circonflexe (ô)
lowercase \x00fb    156 # u accent circonflexe (û)

lowercase \x00e1  12356 # a accent aigu (á)
lowercase \x00e9 123456 # e accent aigu (é)
lowercase \x00f3    346 # o accent aigu (ó)
lowercase \x00fa  23456 # u accent aigu (ú)
noback lowercase \x00ed 34 # i accent aigu (í)

noback lowercase \x00e4   345 # a tréma (ä)
lowercase \x00eb   1246 # e tréma (ë)
lowercase \x00ef  12456 # i tréma (ï)
lowercase \x00f6    246 # o tréma (ö)
lowercase \x00fc   1256 # u tréma (ü)
lowercase \x00e5 5-1       #*latin capital letter a with ring above (unofficial)
lowercase \x00f8 56-246 # o barré (non officiel)

digit 0 3456
litdigit        0      3456
comp6 0 3456

include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
include litdigits6DotsPlusDot6.uti

math + 235  # plus
math - 36
math * 35   # astérisque
math / 34   # barre oblique
math = 2356 # égal
math ( 236
math ) 356

math \x00F7 25     # divisé par
math \x003c 5-126  # inférieur à
math \x003e 5-345  # supérieur à

# guillemets
punctuation \x00AB 2356     # right-pointing double angle quotation mark
punctuation \x00BB 2356     # left-pointing double angle quotation mark
punctuation \x2018 2356     # left single quotation mark
punctuation \x2019 2356     # right single quotation mark
punctuation \x201C 2356     # left double quotation mark
punctuation \x201D 2356     # right double quotation mark
sign \x201E 56     # double low-9 quotation mark
punctuation \x201F 2356     # double high-reversed-9 quotation mark
punctuation \x275B 2356     # heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament
punctuation \x275C 2356     # heavy single comma quotation mark ornament
punctuation \x275D 2356     # heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
punctuation \x275E 2356     # heavy double comma quotation mark ornament
punctuation \x275F 2356     # heavy low single comma quotation mark ornament
punctuation \x2760 2356     # heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament

noback sign \x200e 0        # (left to right mark)
noback sign \x200f 0        # (right to left mark)
sign ¸ 456           # cédille

# tirets et traits d'union
punctuation - 36         # hyphen-minus
sign \x2010 36           # hyphen
sign \x2011 36           # non-breaking hyphen
sign \x2012 36           # figure dash
sign \x2013 36           # (en dash)
sign \x2014 36           # (em dash)
noback sign \x2015 36-36 # horizontal bar (quotation dash long dash introducing quoted text)
sign \xFE58 36           # small em dash
sign \xFE63 36           # small hyphen-minus
sign \xFF0D 36           # fullwidth hyphen-minus

word — 456-36
word – 36-36

sign \x2022 246-135      # (bullet)
sign \x2026 256-256-256  # 8230        MS Word smart ellipsis
sign \x25cf 35           # black circle
sign \xf0b7 1245         # (bullet MS symbol font?)

sign \\ 5-34         # barre oblique inversée
sign @ 345           # arobase
sign \x0023 5-3456   # croisillon
comp6 \x0023 5-3456  # # croisillon
sign \xFE5F 5-3456   # croisillon minuscule
sign \xFF03 5-3456   # croisillon pleine chasse
sign % 5-346         # pourcent
sign ‰ 5-346-346     # pour mille
sign * 5-35          # astérisque
sign _ 5-36          # souligné
noback sign ´ 5
sign \x0060 6   # accent aigu (`)
sign \x007C 456 # barre verticale
sign \x0083 124      # [latin small letter f with hook (no break here)
sign \x0084 56       # [double low-9 quotation mark (<control>)
sign \x0085 36       # [horizontal ellipsis (next line)
sign \x0086 356      # [dagger (start of selected area)
sign \x0087 3567     # [double dagger (end of selected area)
noback sign \x0088 4 # [modifier letter circumflex accent (character tabulation set)
sign \x0089 346      # [per mille sign (character tabulation with justification)
noback sign \x008B 5 # [single left-pointing angle quotation mark] (partial line down)
sign \x0095 1245     # [bullet] (message waiting)
noback sign \x0096 36-36      # [en dash] (start of guarded area)
noback sign \x0097 36-36      # [em dash] (end of guarded area)
sign \x0098 46     # [small tilde] (start of string)
sign \x0099 2345   # [trade mark sign] (<control>)
sign \x2122 5-2345 # TRADE MARK SIGN
noback sign \x009B 5 # [single right-pointing angle quotation mark] (control sequence introducer)
sign \x00A1 235      # inverted exclamation mark
noback sign \x00A6 45      # broken bar
sign \x00A8 46      # diaeresis
noback sign \x00AA 16      # feminine ordinal indicator
sign \x00AC 256       # not sign
noback sign \x00AD 0  # soft hyphen
sign \x00AE 5-1235  # registered sign
sign \x00B1 235-36  # plus-minus sign
sign \x00B5 45-134  # micro sign
sign \x00B6 456     # pilcrow sign
noback sign \x00B7 0       # middle dot
sign \x00BA 26      # masculine ordinal indicator

sign \x00BF 26      #*inverted question mark
sign \x00D0 12      # latin capital letter eth
sign \x00D7 5-35    # multiplication sign
sign \x00D8 3456    # latin capital letter o with stroke
sign \x00DE 245     # latin capital letter thorn
sign \x00DF 234     # latin small letter sharp s
sign \x00F0 12      # latin small letter eth
sign \x00FE 245     # latin small letter thorn
sign © 5-14                                  # copyright
sign ° 5-135                          # degré
sign & 5-123456                  # perluète (et commercial)
sign ¢ 45-14                    # cent
sign € 45-15                          # euro
sign £ 45-123                          # livre
sign $ 45-234                          # dollar
comp6 $ 45-234
sign ¥ 45-13456                  # yen
sign ¤ 6-45                                          # symbole monétaire
sign § 5-1234                          # paragraphe

sign ^ 4 # accent circonflexe
noback sign ¹ 4-16  # exposant 1
noback sign ² 4-126 # exposant 2
noback sign ³ 4-146 # exposant 3
sign ¼ 16-34-1456   # un quart
sign ½ 16-34-126    # un demi
sign ¾ 146-34-1456  # trois quarts
sign \x007E 5-26  # 126 ~    tilde

# unicode braille
include braille-patterns.cti

# lettres grecques

noback lowercase \x03b1 45-1 α alpha
noback lowercase \x03b2 45-12 β bêta
noback lowercase \x03b3 45-1245 γ gamma
noback lowercase \x03b4 45-145 δ delta
noback lowercase \x03B5 45-15 ε epsilon
noback lowercase \x03B6 45-1356 ζ zêta
noback lowercase \x03B7 45-125 η êta
noback lowercase \x03B8 45-245 θ thêta
noback lowercase \x03B9 45-24 ι iota
noback lowercase \x03BA 45-13 κ kappa
noback lowercase \x03BB 45-123 λ lambda
noback lowercase \x03BC 45-134 μ mu
noback lowercase \x03BD 45-1345 ν nu
noback lowercase \x03BE 45-1346 ξ ksi/xi
noback lowercase \x03BF 45-135 ο omicron
noback lowercase \x03C0 45-1234 π pi
noback lowercase \x03C1 45-1235 ρ rhô
noback lowercase \x03C3 45-234 σ sigma
noback lowercase \x03C4 45-2345 τ tau
noback lowercase \x03C5 45-136 υ upsilon
noback lowercase \x03C6 45-124 φ phi
noback lowercase \x03C7 45-12345 χ khi
noback lowercase \x03C8 45-13456 ψ psi
noback lowercase \x03C9 45-2456 ω oméga

# Uppercase letters
base uppercase \x00C3 \x00E3 # a tilde
base uppercase \x00C5 \x00e5 # latin capital letter a with ring above (unofficial)
base uppercase \x00c0 \x00e0 # a accent grave (Àà)
base uppercase \x00c1 \x00e1 # a accent aigu (Áá)
base uppercase \x00c2 \x00e2 # a accent circonflexe (Ââ)
base uppercase \x00c4 \x00e4 # a tréma (Ää)
base uppercase \x00c6 \x00E6 # a e-dans-l’a (Ææ)
base uppercase \x00c7 \x00e7 # c cédille (Çç)
base uppercase \x00c8 \x00e8 # e accent grave (Èè)
base uppercase \x00c9 \x00e9 # e accent aigu (Éé)
base uppercase \x00ca \x00ea # e accent circonflexe (Êê)
base uppercase \x00cb \x00eb # e tréma (Ëë)
base uppercase \x00cc \x00ec # i accent grave (Ìì)
base uppercase \x00cd \x00ed # i accent aigu (Íí)
base uppercase \x00ce \x00ee # i accent circonflexe (Îî)
base uppercase \x00cf \x00ef # i tréma (Ïï)
base uppercase \x00d1 \x00f1 # n tilde (Ññ)
base uppercase \x00d2 \x00f2 # o accent grave (Òò)
base uppercase \x00d3 \x00f3 # o accent aigu (Óó)
base uppercase \x00d4 \x00f4 # o accent circonflexe (Ôô)
base uppercase \x00d6 \x00f6 # o tréma (Öö)
base uppercase \x00d8 \x00f8 # o barré (non officiel)
base uppercase \x00d9 \x00f9 # u accent grave (Ùù)
base uppercase \x00da \x00fa # u accent aigu (Úú)
base uppercase \x00db \x00fb # u accent circonflexe (Ûû)
base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc # u tréma (Üü)
base uppercase \x0152 \x0153 # oe liés (Œœ)
base uppercase \x0391 \x03b1 Α,α alpha
base uppercase \x0392 \x03b2 Β,β bêta
base uppercase \x0393 \x03b3 Γ,γ gamma
base uppercase \x0394 \x03b4 Δ,δ delta
base uppercase \x0395 \x03B5 Ε,ε epsilon
base uppercase \x0396 \x03B6 Ζ,ζ zêta
base uppercase \x0397 \x03B7 Η,η êta
base uppercase \x0398 \x03B8 Θ,θ thêta
base uppercase \x0399 \x03B9 Ι,ι iota
base uppercase \x039A \x03BA Κ,κ kappa
base uppercase \x039B \x03BB Λ,λ lambda
base uppercase \x039C \x03BC Μ,μ mu
base uppercase \x039D \x03BD Ν,ν nu
base uppercase \x039E \x03BE Ξ,ξ ksi/xi
base uppercase \x039F \x03BF Ο,ο omicron
base uppercase \x03A0 \x03C0 Π,π pi
base uppercase \x03A1 \x03C1 Ρ,ρ rhô
base uppercase \x03A3 \x03C3 Σ,σ sigma
base uppercase \x03A4 \x03C4 Τ,τ tau
base uppercase \x03A5 \x03C5 Υ,υ upsilon
base uppercase \x03A6 \x03C6 Φ,φ phi
base uppercase \x03A7 \x03C7 Χ,χ khi
base uppercase \x03A8 \x03C8 Ψ,ψ psi
base uppercase \x03A9 \x03C9 Ω,ω oméga

# Uppercase letters in computer braille mode
comp6 \x0391 46-45-1
comp6 \x0392 46-45-12
comp6 \x0393 46-45-1245
comp6 \x0394 46-45-145
comp6 \x0395 46-45-15
comp6 \x0396 46-45-1356
comp6 \x0397 46-45-125
comp6 \x0398 46-45-245
comp6 \x0399 46-45-24
comp6 \x039A 46-45-13
comp6 \x039B 46-45-123
comp6 \x039C 46-45-134
comp6 \x039D 46-45-1345
comp6 \x039E 46-45-1346
comp6 \x039F 46-45-135
comp6 \x03A0 46-45-1234
comp6 \x03A1 46-45-1235
comp6 \x03A3 46-45-234
comp6 \x03A4 46-45-2345
comp6 \x03A5 46-45-136
comp6 \x03A6 46-45-124
comp6 \x03A7 46-45-12345
comp6 \x03A8 46-45-13456
comp6 \x03A9 46-45-2456

# other signs
include fr-bfu-comp68.cti

# with a few exceptions...
noback math \x00B1 235-36 ± plus ou moins
noback math \x00D7 35 × multiplié par
noback math \x2715 35 ✕ multiplié par
noback math \x00B7 35-35 · point multiplicatif ; produit scalaire
noback math \x00F7 25 ÷ divisé par

# Braille indicators
numsign 6             # number sign, just a dots operand
numericmodechars ^,:.+-*/()=[]
numericnocontchars 0123456789

# Capitalization
capsletter 46
begcapsword 46-46
endcapsword 6-3 # The first method is not compatible with liblouis, so use of the alternative method (official but less common)
capsmodechars -'./

# Capital 'phrase' possible but lot of issues with single letters: https://github.com/liblouis/liblouis/issues/706
# begcapsphrase 25-46
# endcapsphrase before 46
# lencapsphrase 4

# Emphasis
emphclass italic
emphclass underline
emphclass bold
begemphword italic 456
begemphword underline 456
begemphword bold 456
endemphword italic 6-3
endemphword underline 6-3
endemphword bold 6-3
begemphphrase italic 25-456
endemphphrase italic before 456
lenemphphrase italic 4
begemphphrase underline 25-456
endemphphrase underline before 456
lenemphphrase underline 4
begemphphrase bold 25-456
endemphphrase bold before 456
lenemphphrase bold 4
noemphchars italic ,\s
noemphchars underline ,\s
noemphchars bold ,\s

# Remove space from punctuation
# noback correct "\x00A0»" "»"
# noback correct "«\x00A0" "«"
# noback correct "\s;" ";"
# noback correct "\s:" ":"
# noback correct "\s?" "?"
# noback correct "\s!" "!"

noback midword \x2019 3     # right single quotation mark
midnum \s 0                                                # espace entre les chiffres
midnum - 36
midnum + 235
endnum + 235
midnum = 2356
endnum = 2356
midnum / 34
endnum / 34
decpoint , 2

math [ 12356
math ] 23456
midnum [ 12356
endnum [ 12356
midnum ] 23456
endnum ] 23456
midnum ( 236
endnum ( 236
midnum ) 356
endnum ) 356

postpunc , 2
postpunc ; 23
postpunc : 25
postpunc . 256
postpunc ? 26
postpunc ! 235
prepunc « 2356            # guillemet français ouvrant
postpunc » 2356           # guillemet français fermant
prepunc ( 236      # parenthèse ouvrante
postpunc ) 356     # parenthèse fermante
prepunc [ 45-236  # crochet droit ouvrant
postpunc ] 356-12        #        crochet droit fermant
prepunc { 6-6-236        #        accolade de gauche
postpunc } 356-3-3        #        accolade de droite

repeated ... 256-256-256                #        points de suspension
repeated --- 36-36-36
repeated ___ 456-456-456

word = 6-2356
word + 6-235
begword + 6-235
begword = 6-2356
midword + 6-235
midword = 6-2356
endword + 6-235
endword = 6-2356

nofor pass2 [@6-235]$d @6-235-6
nofor pass2 [@6-2356]$d @6-2356-6

word æchmea 345-14-125-134-15-1
word ægithale 345-1245-24-2345-125-1-123-15
word ægocère 345-1245-135-14-2346-1235-15
word ægopodium 345-1245-135-1234-135-145-24-136-134
word ægosome 345-1245-135-234-135-134-15
word ælie 345-123-24-15
word ænigmatite 345-1345-24-1245-134-1-2345-24-2345-15
word æolidia 345-135-123-24-145-24-1
word æolis 345-135-123-24-234
word æschne 345-234-14-125-1345-15
word æthuse 345-2345-125-136-234-15
word althæa 1-123-2345-125-345-1
word anabæna 1-1345-1-12-345-1345-1
word angræcum 1-1345-1245-1235-345-14-136-134
word archæocète 1-1235-14-125-345-135-14-2346-2345-15
word balæniceps 12-1-123-345-1345-24-14-15-1234-234
word cæcal 14-345-14-1-123
word cæcale 14-345-14-1-123-15
word cæcaux 14-345-14-1-136-1346
word cæcilius 14-345-14-24-123-24-136-234
word cæcotrophie 14-345-14-135-2345-1235-135-1234-125-24-15
word cæcum 14-345-14-136-134
word cælostat 14-345-123-135-234-2345-1-2345
word cæsine 14-345-234-24-1345-15
word chænichthys 14-125-345-1345-24-14-125-2345-125-13456-234
word chamæcyparis 14-125-1-134-345-14-13456-1234-1-1235-24-234
word chamædorea 14-125-1-134-345-145-135-1235-15-1
word cratægus 14-1235-1-2345-345-1245-136-234
word cuphæa 14-136-1234-125-345-1
word vitæ 1236-24-2345-345
word dracæna 145-1235-1-14-345-1345-1
word élæagnacées 123456-123-345-1-1245-1345-1-14-123456-15-234
word elæagnus 15-123-345-1-1245-1345-136-234
word elæis 15-123-345-24-234
word enterobacteriaceæ 15-1345-2345-15-1235-135-12-1-14-2345-15-1235-24-1-14-15-345
word cætera 14-345-2345-15-1235-1
word æquo 345-12345-136-135
word furcræa 124-136-1235-14-1235-345-1
word grællsia 1245-1235-345-123-123-234-24-1
word lælia 123-345-123-24-1
word læliocattleya 123-345-123-24-135-14-1-2345-2345-123-15-13456-1
word lætilia 123-345-2345-24-123-24-1
word linnæa 123-24-1345-1345-345-1
word lonchæa 123-135-1345-14-125-345-1
word microsphæra 134-24-14-1235-135-234-1234-125-345-1235-1
word nævo 1345-345-1236-135
word nævus 1345-345-1236-136-234
word penæus 1234-15-1345-345-136-234
word pygære 1234-13456-1245-345-1235-15
word sphærotheca 234-1234-125-345-1235-135-2345-125-15-14-1
word suæda 234-136-345-145-1
word tæniasis 2345-345-1345-24-1-234-24-234
word tropæloacées 2345-1235-135-1234-345-123-135-1-14-123456-15-234
word Lætitia 46-123-345-2345-24-2345-24-1

word län 123-345-1345
word Länder 46-123-345-1345-145-15-1235
word ländler 123-345-1345-145-123-15-1235
word minnesänger 134-24-1345-1345-15-234-345-1345-1245-15-1235
word skärgård 234-13-345-1235-1245-5-1-1235-145
word tjäle 2345-245-345-123-15