# liblouis: Swedish Grade 1 Braille Table, contractions level 1.
#-name: Svensk 6-punkts förkortningstabell nivå 1
#-index-name: Swedish, partially contracted
#-display-name: Swedish partially contracted braille
#  Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Insyn Scandinavia AB <david@insyn.se>
#-copyright: 2022-2023, Insyn Scandinavia AB <david@insyn.se>
#  This braille table is a heavily updated version of the former
#  Swedish braille table called Se-Se-G1.utb which was quite outdated and
#  was missing a lot of character definitions as well as incorrectly
#  handling some situations regarding mixing of numbers and letters
#  etc. This version also includes support for Swedish contractions
#  which previously haven't been available in Liblouis.
#  This new braille table is the result of a joint effort between
#  Punktskriftsnämnden (the Swedish Braille Authority) and
#  Insyn Scandinavia AB.
#-author: Insyn Scandinavia AB
#-maintainer: Insyn Scandinavia AB <david@insyn.se>
#  This braille table is based on the following documentation:
#  Svenska skrivregler för punktskrift (2009):
#    https://www.mtm.se/skrivregler/dtb-bm-l1.html
#  Kortskrift nivå 1 och 2 (1997):
#    https://www.mtm.se/contentassets/08089b067f61495da1b035390d7a120e/kortskrift-niva-1-och-2---1997---nytt-manuskript-2016-09-26_v4.pdf
#  This file is part of liblouis.
#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#-license: LGPLv2.1

#+language: sv
#+type: literary
#+contraction: partial
#+grade: 1
#+dots: 6
#+direction: both

# Load basic Swedish braille table
include sv-g0.utb

nocontractsign 25

# One letter whole-word contractions
word att 1
contraction a
word bli 12
contraction b
word och 14
contraction c
word där 145
contraction d
word d.v.s 145-3-1236-3-234
word eller 15
contraction e
word från 124
contraction f
word genom 1245
contraction g
word han 125
contraction h
word jag 245
contraction j
word kan 13
contraction k
word lika 123
contraction l
word man 134
contraction m
word när 1345
contraction n
word på 1234
contraction p
word p.s 1234-3-234
word under 12345
contraction q
word har 1235
contraction r
word som 234
contraction s
endword :s 25-234
word till 2345
contraction t
word t.ex 2345-3-15-1346
word utan 136
contraction u
word vid 1236
contraction v
word vad 2456
contraction w
word över 1346
contraction x
endnum .x 3-1346
word mycket 13456
contraction y
word efter 1356
contraction z
word är 345
contraction ä
word en 126
word med 146
word er 156
word ett 346
contraction §
word för 1246
word inte 1256
contraction ü
word de 1456
contraction %
word det 2346
contraction ž
word den 12346
contraction &
word var 12356