# This table contains braille codes and rules for Uzbek and includes Russian literary text translation table#
#  Copyright (C) 2020-2021, BAUM Engineering <liblouis@baum.ro>
# This file is part of liblouis.
# liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with liblouis. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#-index-name: Uzbek
#-display-name: Uzbek braille

# Marked as "direction:forward" by Bue Vester-Andersen
# Literary table without caps.

#-license: LGPLv2.1
#-author: BAUM Engineering <liblouis@baum.ro>

include ru-unicode.dis

space \x00a0 a
include spaces.uti

# Latin equivalent to the additional braille adaptations.
lowercase \x0068 1456            #h
lowercase \x0071 13456           #q
lowercase \x0076 2456            #v
lowercase \x0078 125             #x
lowercase \x0079 12346           #y

# Additional cyrillic braille adaptations.
lowercase \x0493 12456      #ғ
lowercase \x04B3 1456       #ҳ
lowercase \x049B 13456      #қ
lowercase \x045E 1236       #ў

# Equivalent to the additional braille adaptations.
always sh 156
always ch 12345
noback correct "Sh" "sh" # because always rule above is case sensitive
noback correct "Ch" "ch" # because always rule above is case sensitive
always o' 1236
always o’ 1236
always o‘ 1236
always o` 1236
always g‘ 12456
always g' 12456
always g’ 12456
always g` 12456

# Symbols that are different from ru-litbrl.ctb
math % 3456-245-356
math ° 46-356
punctuation ( 2356
punctuation ) 2356
punctuation { 126
punctuation } 345
noback punctuation [ 126
noback punctuation ] 345
sign @ 4-1
sign \x2018 3
sign \x0301 4 # acute accent

noback pass2 @46-46-46 @46

# Uppercase letters

base uppercase \x0048 \x0068 #h
base uppercase \x0051 \x0071 #q
base uppercase \x0056 \x0076 #v
base uppercase \x0058 \x0078 #x
base uppercase \x0059 \x0079 #y
base uppercase \x0492 \x0493 #ғ
base uppercase \x04B2 \x04B3 #ҳ
base uppercase \x049A \x049B #қ
base uppercase \x040E \x045E #ў
base uppercase \x0048 \x0068 #h
base uppercase \x0051 \x0071 #q
base uppercase \x0056 \x0076 #v
base uppercase \x0058 \x0078 #x
base uppercase \x0059 \x0079 #y

# FIXME: for some weird reason this rule needs to be included before AND after the include ru-litbrl.ctb
# if the first rule is omitted, "VII" and "XV" are not translated correctly
# if the second rule is omitted, "IV" is not translated correctly
attribute roman IVXLCDM

include ru-litbrl.ctb

lowercase \x0068 1456            #h
lowercase \x0071 13456           #q
lowercase \x0076 2456            #v
lowercase \x0078 125             #x
lowercase \x0079 12346           #y

# Remove indicators before capital letters and between cyrillic and latin letters.
noback pass3 @6 ?
noback pass3 @46-356 *      # dot pattern for °
attribute roman IVXLCDM
noback pass3 [@46]!%roman ? # keep capital sign only for roman numbers
noback pass3 [@46]@1236 ?   # remove capital sign from o and g with accent
noback pass3 @5 ?
noback pass3 @45 ?