Transforms a DTBook (DAISY 3 XML) document into a PEF.
Features of the braille transformer to be used for creating the paginated braille document from the CSS styled input document. Together with the “Braille code” option this determines the transformer that is selected.
The syntax is as follows (described in terms of CSS grammar):
: feature*
: '(' S* IDENT S* [ ':' S* value ]? ')' S*
: string | integer | IDENT
Sets the default page width (this can be overwritten with @page
rules) and affects media queries
that use the ‘width’ feature. The variable $page-width
is available in Sass style sheets.
See the CSS specification for more info:
or false
Style sheets, whether they’re user style sheets (specified with the “stylesheet” option) or author style sheets (associated with the source), may have parameters (Sass variables). The “stylesheet-parameters" option, which takes a comma-separated list of key-value pairs enclosed in parenthesis, can be used to set these variables.
For example, if a style sheet uses the Sass variable “foo”:
@if $foo {
/* some style that should only be enabled when "foo" is truthy */
you can control that variable with the following parameters list: (foo:true)
or false
or false
or false
or false
or false
This option only determines whether hyphenation is allowed at page boundaries. The “Hyphenation” option and the CSS determine how the hyphenation is done, when allowed.
If left blank, the locale information in the input document will be used to select a suitable table.
Must be a space separated list of URIs, absolute or relative to the input.
Style sheets specified through this option are called “user style sheets”. Style sheets can also be attached to the source document. These are referred to as “author style sheets”. They can be linked (using an ‘xml-stylesheet’ processing instruction or a ‘link’ element), embedded (using a ‘style’ element) and/or inlined (using ‘style’ attributes). Only author styles that apply to “embossed” media are taken into account.
All style sheets are applied at once, but the order in which they are specified has an influence on the cascading order. Author styles take precedence over user styles.
Style sheets are interpreted according to braille CSS rules.
For info on how to use Sass (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) see the Sass manual.
A number of partials (helper style sheet modules) are available for use in Sass style sheets:
The file format must be expressed as a list of parenthesis enclosed key-value pairs. For example, to
select a file format suited for the U.S., set the option to (locale:en-US)
. To use the braille
character set used in the Netherlands and store to a file with extension “.brl”, set the option to
If left blank, the braille will be stored in PEF format.
The syntax is as follows (described in terms of CSS grammar):
: feature*
: '(' S* IDENT S* [ ':' S* value ]? ')' S*
: string | integer | IDENT
Sets the default page height (this can be overwritten with @page
rules) and affects media queries
that use the ‘height’ feature. The variable $page-height
is available in Sass style sheets.
See the CSS specification for more info:
If set, braille transcription is
done using the selected braille code. If left empty, the braille code is determined by the document
language. Note that braille transcription can also be controlled through CSS @text-transform
By default, text that overflows its containing box will result in an error. By selecting this option, overflowing text will be truncated and generate a warning instead whenever possible. Notably, this will happen with text within page margins (top, right, bottom and left) that is too long to fit the space.
or false
Usage: dp2 [GLOBAL_OPTIONS] dtbook-to-pef [OPTIONS] Options:
--source source | |
--transform [transform] | Transformer features (default: (translator:liblouis)(formatter:dotify) ) |
--page-width [page-width] | Page width (default: 40 ) |
--duplex [duplex] | Duplex (default: true ) |
--stylesheet-parameters [stylesheet-parameters] | Style sheet parameters (default: () ) |
--include-pef [include-pef] | Include PEF (default: false ) |
--include-preview [include-preview] | Include preview (default: false ) |
--include-obfl [include-obfl] | Include OBFL (default: false ) |
--include-pdf [include-pdf] | Include PDF (default: false ) |
--include-css [include-css] | Include DTBook with inline CSS (default: false ) |
--hyphenation-at-page-breaks [hyphenation-at-page-breaks] | Hyphenation at page boundaries (default: false ) |
--preview-table [preview-table] | ASCII braille table for HTML preview (default: ) |
--stylesheet [stylesheet] | Style sheets (default: ) |
--output-file-format [output-file-format] | Output file format (default: ) |
--page-height [page-height] | Page height (default: 25 ) |
--braille-code [braille-code] | Braille code (default: ) |
--allow-text-overflow-trimming [allow-text-overflow-trimming] | Trimming of overflowing text (default: false ) |
-o,--output [OUTPUT] | Path where to store the results. This option is mandatory when the job is not executed in the background |
-z,--zip | Write the output to a zip file rather than to a folder |
-n,--nicename [NICENAME] | Set job's nice name |
-r,--priority [PRIORITY] | Set job's priority (high|medium|low) |
-q,--quiet | Do not print the job's messages |
-p,--persistent | Delete the job after it is executed |
-b,--background | Sends the job and exits |