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Command Line Tool

The command line is not a standalone tool. It only works in combination with a running Pipeline server. The server may be running on the same computer or a different one. See Configuration for how to specify the address of the server.


Choose a package from the downloads page that includes the command line tool, then follow the installation instructions for that package.


The executable is called dp2, or dp2.exe on Windows. Where exactly this file is located depends on the installation.

In order to get an overview of the commands, run dp2 help:


Script commands:
    daisy202-to-daisy3         Upgrades a DAISY 2.02 DTB to a DAISY 3 DTB.
    daisy202-to-epub3          Transforms a DAISY 2.02 publication into an EPUB 3 publication.
    daisy202-to-mp3            Transforms a DAISY 2.02 publication into a folder structure with MP3 files suitable for playback on MegaVoice Envoy devices.
    daisy202-unscrambler       Renames audio files in a DAISY 2.02 publication in such a way that when sorted alphabetically, they are also sorted according to the reading order.
    daisy202-validator         Validates a DAISY 2.02 fileset.
    daisy3-to-daisy202         Transforms an audio-only DAISY 3 DTB into an audio-only DAISY 2.02 DTB.
    daisy3-to-epub3            Transforms a DAISY 3 publication into an EPUB 3 publication.
    daisy3-to-mp3              Transforms a DAISY 3 publication into a folder structure with MP3 files suitable for playback on MegaVoice Envoy devices.
    daisy3-upgrader            Upgrades a DAISY 3 publication from version 1.1.0 (Z39.86-2002) to version 2005 (Z39.86-2005).
    dtbook-cleaner             Apply cleanup routines and optionally tag sentences on a given DTBbook
    dtbook-to-daisy3           Converts multiple DTBooks to DAISY 3 format
    dtbook-to-epub3            Converts multiple dtbooks to EPUB 3 format
    dtbook-to-html             Transforms DTBook XML into HTML.
    dtbook-to-odt              Transforms a DTBook (DAISY 3 XML) document into an ODT (Open Document Text).
    dtbook-to-pef              Transforms a DTBook (DAISY 3 XML) document into an embosser ready braille document.
    dtbook-to-rtf              Transforms a DTBook (DAISY 3 XML) document into an RTF (Rich Text Format).
    dtbook-to-zedai            Transforms DTBook XML into ZedAI XML.
    dtbook-validator           Validates DTBook documents. Supports inclusion of MathML.
    epub-to-daisy              Transforms an EPUB 2 or EPUB 3 publication into DAISY 2.02 and DAISY 3.
    epub2-to-epub3             Upgrades an EPUB 2 publication to EPUB 3.
    epub3-to-daisy202          Transforms an EPUB 3 publication into DAISY 2.02.
    epub3-to-daisy3            Transforms an EPUB 3 publication into DAISY 3.
    epub3-to-epub3             Transforms an EPUB 3 publication into an EPUB 3 publication with audio and/or a braille rendition.
    epub3-to-pef               Transforms a EPUB 3 publication into an embosser ready braille document.
    epub3-validator            Validates a EPUB.
    html-to-dtbook             Transforms a (X)HTML document into a DTBook document.
    html-to-epub3              Transforms (X)HTML documents into an EPUB 3 publication.
    html-to-pef                Transforms a HTML document into an embosser ready braille document.
    nimas-fileset-validator    Validate a NIMAS Fileset. Supports inclusion of MathML.
    zedai-to-epub3             Transforms a ZedAI (DAISY 4 XML) document into an EPUB 3 publication.
    zedai-to-html              Transforms ZedAI XML (ANSI/NISO Z39.98-2012 Authoring and Interchange) into HTML.
    zedai-to-pef               Transforms a ZedAI (DAISY 4 XML) document into an embosser ready braille document.

General commands:
    status                     Returns the status of the job with id JOB_ID
    delete                     Removes a job from the pipeline
    results                    Stores the results from a job
    jobs                       Returns the list of jobs present in the server
    log                        Stores the results from a job
    queue                      Shows the execution queue and the job's priorities.
    moveup                     Moves the job up the execution queue
    movedown                   Moves the job down the execution queue
    clean                      Removes the jobs with an ERROR status
    halt                       Stops the webservice
    version                    Prints the version and authentication information

List of global options:                 dp2 help -g
List of admin commands:                 dp2 help -a
Detailed help for a single command:     dp2 help COMMAND

To get the list of admin commands, run dp2 help -a:

Admin commands:
    list                       Returns the list of the available clients
    create                     Creates a new client
    remove                     Removes a client
    modify                     Modifies a client
    client                     Prints the detailed client inforamtion
    properties                 List the pipeline ws runtime properties
    sizes                      Prints the total size or a detailed list of job data stored in the

For detailed help on a specific script or other command, run dp2 help COMMAND. For example:

Usage: dp2 [GLOBAL_OPTIONS] dtbook-to-epub3 [OPTIONS]

    --source SOURCE                One or more DTBook files to be transformed. In the case of
                                   multiple files, a merge will be performed.
    --language [LANGUAGE]          Language code of the input document.
    --assert-valid [ASSERT-VALID]  Whether to stop processing and raise an error on validation issues.
    --tts-config [TTS-CONFIG]      Configuration file for the Text-To-Speech.
    --audio [AUDIO]                Whether to use a speech synthesizer to produce audio files.
    -o,--output [OUTPUT]           Path where to store the results. This option is mandatory when
                                   the job is not executed in the background
    -z,--zip                       Write the output to a zip file rather than to a folder
    -n,--nicename [NICENAME]       Set job's nice name
    -r,--priority [PRIORITY]       Set job's priority (high|medium|low)
    -q,--quiet                     Do not print the job's messages
    -p,--persistent                Delete the job after it is executed


Configuration settings can be passed as options. In order to get the full list of available options, run dp2 help -g. The default settings may be altered in a file called config.yml. This file is located in the same directory as the dp2 executable. To change the location, use the --file option.

Global Options:
    --host [HOST]                    Pipeline's webservice host (default http://localhost)
    --port [PORT]                    Pipeline's webserivce port (default 8181)
    --ws_path [WS_PATH]              Pipeline's webservice path, as in http://daisy.org:8181/path
                                     (default ws)
    --timeout [TIMEOUT]              Http connection timeout in seconds (default 60)
    --client_key [CLIENT_KEY]        Client key for authenticated requests (default clientid)
    --client_secret [CLIENT_SECRET]  Client secrect for authenticated requests (default supersecret)
                                     true or false (default true)
    --starting [STARTING]            Start the webservice in the local computer if it is not running.
    --exec_line [EXEC_LINE]          Pipeline webserivice executable path (default ../bin/pipeline2)
    --ws_timeup [WS_TIMEUP]          Time to wait until the webservice starts in seconds (default 25)
    --debug [DEBUG]                  Print debug messages. true or false (default false)
    -f,--file [FILE]                 Alternative configuration file