The “DTBook to ZedAI” script will convert one or more DTBook XML documents to a single ZedAI document (formally an instance of the Book profile of the NISO Z39.98-2012 - Authoring and Interchange Framework for Adaptive XML Publishing).
The script will create:
On Linux and Mac OS X:
$ cli/dp2 dtbook-to-zedai --i-source samples/dtbook/hauy_valid.xml --x-output-dir ~/Desktop/out
On Windows:
$ cli\dp2.exe dtbook-to-zedai --i-source samples\dtbook\hauy_valid.xml --x-output-dir C:\Pipeline2-Output
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE dtbook PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD dtbook 2005-3//EN" ""> <?xml-stylesheet href="dtbookbasic.css" type="text/css"?> <dtbook xmlns="" version="2005-3" xml:lang="en-US"> <head> <meta content="pipeline2-dtbook-test-20110301-basic" name="dtb:uid"/> <meta content="Pipeline 2 DTBook Test Content: Basic" name="dc:Title"/> <meta name="dc:Creator" content="Marisa D."/> <meta content="2011-03-01" name="dc:Date"/> <meta name="dc:Publisher" content="Marisa D."/> <meta content="pipeline2-dtbook-test-20110301-basic" name="dc:Identifier"/> <meta content="en-US" name="dc:Language"/> </head> <!-- test comment --> <book> <frontmatter> <doctitle>Pipeline 2 DTBook Test Content: Basic</doctitle> <docauthor>Marisa D.</docauthor> </frontmatter> <bodymatter> <level1> <h1>Introduction</h1> <p><sent>The DAISY Pipeline 2 is an ongoing project to develop a next generation framework for automated production of accessible materials for people with print disabilities.</sent> <sent>It is the follow-up and total redesign of the original DAISY Pipeline 1 project.</sent> </p> <img height="100px" width="100px" src="image.jpg" alt="DAISY logo"/> </level1> </bodymatter> </book> </dtbook>
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