EPUB 3 to DAISY 2.02
Transforms an EPUB 3 publication into DAISY 2.02.
DAISY 2.02
The output braille file.
Input validation status
An XML document describing whether the conversion was successful.
Usage: dp2 [GLOBAL_OPTIONS] epub3-to-daisy202 [OPTIONS]
--source source
The EPUB 3 you want to convert to DAISY 2.02.
--validation [validation] |
Validation (default: off ) |
-o,--output [OUTPUT] |
Path where to store the results. This option is mandatory when the job is not executed in the background |
-z,--zip |
Write the output to a zip file rather than to a folder |
-n,--nicename [NICENAME] |
Set job's nice name |
-r,--priority [PRIORITY] |
Set job's priority (high|medium|low) |
-q,--quiet |
Do not print the job's messages |
-p,--persistent |
Delete the job after it is executed |
-b,--background |
Sends the job and exits |