
Style sheet module for the HTML to PEF and EPUB 3 to PEF scripts for styling definition lists.

Use this style sheet by importing it in your custom SCSS style sheet:

@import "http://www.daisy.org/pipeline/modules/braille/html-to-pef/_definition-lists.scss";

The module provides a variable for grouping dt and dd elements and variables to define separators between dt and dd elements.

$group-dt-dd variable

Set this variable to true to group dt and dd elements, wrapping them inside li elements, so that every group starts with a dt and ends with a dd and does not contain a dd followed by a dt.

Note that the variable must be set before the @import rule in order to have effect.

$dt-suffix and $dt-separator variables

If $group-dt-dd is true, dt and dd becomes inline elements. The $dt-suffix variable determines the text that is inserted in between a dt and a dd element (default ": "). The $dt-separator variable determines the text that is inserted in between two dt elements (default " "). In order to make dt and dd block-level elements, set $dt-suffix to null.

Note that the variable must be set before the @import rule in order to have effect.